Category: Acid Rain

  • Acid Rain and The Reaction for Iron

    Acid Rain and The Reaction for Iron Acid rain is defined as precipitation in any form that has acidic properties, such as nitric and sulfuric acid which is formed in the atmosphere and falls to the ground. The pH scale is used the measure acidity and alkalinity in solutions. The lower the substances pH value…

  • Causes and Effects of Acid Rains Nowadays

    Causes and Effects of Acid Rains Nowadays This paper focuses on one of the main pollution related problems that affect the modern day world. The problem under study is acid rain. This form of rainfall is yet another of mankinds caused problems since it results from production of nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide and sulfur oxide…

  • How Does Acid Rain Affect the Biosphere? Essay

    How Does Acid Rain Affect the Biosphere? Essay Acid rain can also be termed acid precipitation which is described as rainfall whose level of pH is lower than 5.6 making it acidic. This form of rainfall results from the combination of Sulphite and Nitrogen oxides with the atmosphere resulting in the formation of Nitric and…

  • Acid Rain as Urgent Environmental Issue

    Acid Rain as Urgent Environmental Issue Acid rain, or acid deposition is rain water with elevated levels of hydrogen (H+) ions. Acid rain refers to the ways in which acid moves from the atmosphere to the earths surface. It is transboundary and involves the falling of sulfuric or nitric acid. There are two different forms…

  • Acid Rains Formation and Effects Report

    Acid Rains Formation and Effects Report Introduction Acid rain refers to rain containing strong inorganic acids in solution. The acids include sulfuric acid, ammonium and nitric acid. The acids originate from acid forming substances emitted into the atmosphere from combustion of hydrocarbon fuels and farming activities (Driscoll et al. 2005, p. 27). These chemicals interact…

  • Essay on Acid Rain: Meaning, Effects and Control

    Essay on Acid Rain: Meaning, Effects and Control The term acid rain was first used by Robert Angus in 1872. Literally it means the presence of excessive acids in rain waters. Acid rain is in-fact cocktail of mainly H2SO4 and HNO3, where the ratio of these two may vary depending upon the relative quantities of…

  • Acid Rain in China: Industrial Problem

    Acid Rain in China: Industrial Problem Acid rain is the environmental issue that can occurs negative impact towards human, animals, surrounding or even non-living things like property. The clean rain has a pH value between 5.0 and 5.5. Nevertheless, the pH of rain can become more acidic up to 4.0 if the rain combines with…

  • How Can Acid Rain Affect Organisms that Live in The Water

    How Can Acid Rain Affect Organisms that Live in The Water Rain is a critical component in the process of the hydrological cycle. The water cycle is beneficial to all organism living on this planet. It brings purification and distribution of fresh water that can be used by all living organism. Apart from providing fresh…

  • Acid Rain: Causes, Effects and Control

    Acid Rain: Causes, Effects and Control During normal rain pollutants are cleane . If rain fall continues rainwater clean the air from pollutants. Sulphat , ammonium and nitrate can be reduced by normal rain up to 30 to 73%. While the gases i.e. sulphur dioxide, Ammonia, Chlorine and NO2 can be decreased by 24 to…

  • Acid Rain as an International-Scale Issue Research Paper

    Acid Rain as an International-Scale Issue Research Paper Introduction Acid rain is a very serious environmental problem that exists today because of high-energy consumption in the industrial world. Acid rain is snow, fog, or rain that has been polluted by acid in the atmosphere. Rain is naturally acidic because carbon dioxide, found normally in the…