Category: Acid Rain

  • Acid Mine Drainage: Origins and Assessment of Methods

    Acid Mine Drainage: Origins and Assessment of Methods An Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is water that drains out from coal deposit mining areas and has a lower pH which has been occasioned by the presence of sulphuric acid. In other words, an Acid Mine Drainage is usually acidic although not all mine drainages are acidic.…

  • How to Prevent Acid Rain? Essay

    How to Prevent Acid Rain? Essay Acid rain  words which we often read in books and hear in news, is a phenomena towards which we contribute directly or indirectly. As the name suggests, is precipitation made extremely acidic by atmospheric pollutants which causes harm to the flora, fauna and infrastructure. Acid rain contains elevated…

  • The US Acid Rain Program: Benefits and Costs

    The US Acid Rain Program: Benefits and Costs Authors Lauraine Chestnut and David Mills documented the benefits and cost assessment of the US acid rain reduction platform. Special attention was given to the parameters specified under the US Acid Rain Program, specifically Title IV of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. To accomplish that goal,…

  • Acid Rain and Ozone Pollution Research Paper

    Acid Rain and Ozone Pollution Research Paper Introduction Pollution entails the introduction of substances into the environment in quantities that can change environmental conditions and in turn, harm organisms. Acid rain and ozone pollution are a form of pollution, which entails the release of gaseous and dust particles in quantities that destroy the integrity of…