Category: Addiction

  • Pain Management in Patients with Addiction

    Pain Management in Patients with Addiction Table of Contents Introduction Society and pain management Healthcare in patients with addiction Personal position Conclusion Reference List Introduction Addicted patients are among the most delicate types of patients as far as pain management is concerned. Addiction is characterized by the continued use of a substance despite the harm…

  • Confronting Homophobia in Addiction Treatment for Sexual Minorities

    Confronting Homophobia in Addiction Treatment for Sexual Minorities Introduction The issue of homophobia has a significant impact on the effective treatment of sexual minorities struggling with addiction problems. Homophobia, which involves fear, hatred, or intolerance of people who identify as LGBTQ, may result in discriminatory practices in the healthcare system. It can cause people who…

  • Cocaine Addiction and Parkinson Disease

    Cocaine Addiction and Parkinson Disease Introduction Parkinsons disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative condition that has a myriad of manifestations in the motor and non motor systems. Motor manifestations result from loss of dopaminergic neurons that occur in the nigrostriatal system. Symptoms of PD manifest when there is loss of more than half of the dopaminergic…

  • Annual Burnout and Turnover Rates of Addiction Treatment Counselor in Chicago

    Annual Burnout and Turnover Rates of Addiction Treatment Counselor in Chicago It is known that working with certain groups of patients is an additional psycho-traumatic factor for doctors. These patients include the elderly, the chronically or terminally ill, patients requiring intensive care, and newborns. The mentally ill and psychoactive substance users deserve special attention; they…

  • Genes and Epigenetic Regulation of Learning and Memory, Addiction, and Parkinsons Disease

    Genes and Epigenetic Regulation of Learning and Memory, Addiction, and Parkinsons Disease Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference List Introduction Mitochondrion plays a very vita role in energy transduction in human body especially brain. Mitochondrion has got its own genetic material that helps in coding for polypeptides. It has its complexes I-V that…

  • Neuroscience of Addictions and Their Origin

    Neuroscience of Addictions and Their Origin Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference Introduction The concept of addiction has disturbed me for a long time since I know how people struggle with breaking their harmful habits and stopping drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. I believe it is of utmost importance to understand how to help…

  • Social Media Addiction and How It Affects People

    Social Media Addiction and How It Affects People Every year people spend more and more time tapping a finger on the smartphone screen or clicking a computer mouse. According to the statistical data provided by Statista (2021), in 2015, people spent approximately 80 minutes on the smartphone, whereas in 2021, the average time increased up…

  • Whip Whitakers Alcoholic Addiction and Its Influence on His Life

    Whip Whitakers Alcoholic Addiction and Its Influence on His Life Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Addiction is the fact or condition of being dependent on a particular substance or activity. Alcohol addiction, on the other hand, refers to the continued excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks. Alcohol addiction has a huge impact…

  • TikTok Addiction Among Teenagers

    TikTok Addiction Among Teenagers Table of Contents Introduction First Impression Original Scientific Article Summary Trust for the Scientific Article Conclusion References Introduction The headline in the selected story is that teenagers who are addicted to TikTok are more likely to experience severe depression, anxiety, and limited working memory. The selected article was obtained from a…

  • Addiction to Online Gaming

    Addiction to Online Gaming Introduction The rapid development of technologies has led not only to numerous breakthroughs in various spheres of peoples lives but also to significant issues related to the inability of some individuals to limit their time spent on gadget use. Whereas the Internet has presented an opportunity for communication and research, it…