Category: Addiction
Suboxone Treatment for Opioid Addiction in Adult Clients
Suboxone Treatment for Opioid Addiction in Adult Clients Table of Contents Introduction and Learning Objectives Treatment Options (Focus on Suboxone) A Study on the Topic References Introduction and Learning Objectives Opioid use disorder can be defined as a problematic pattern of substance use that leads to clinically significant impairment in different areas (Soyka, 2015). It…
Fast Food Addiction: Comparison of Articles
Fast Food Addiction: Comparison of Articles Fast food has become so embedded in the daily menu that many can no longer imagine their life without cheeseburgers, fried potatoes, and other snacks. Researchers have been writing about the dangers of such food for a long time and constantly, but there are also useful elements in it.…
Sugar Addiction and Its Negative Effects
Sugar Addiction and Its Negative Effects Sugar, although not always consumed directly, has become an inevitable part of peoples diet. Currently, it comprises more than 10% of ones daily calorie intake, whereas the recommended dose should not exceed 5% of an average ratio (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Such an increase in sugar consumption…
Energy and the Economy. Oil Addiction in America
Energy and the Economy. Oil Addiction in America In America, addiction to oil results in high oil prices and a unique structure of economy dependent upon crude oil. The future of oil in the world economy is one of the most controversial topics in international affairs at the present time. With the different views held…