Category: Adolescence

  • The Labeling Theory On Juveniles And Juvenile Delinquency

    The Labeling Theory On Juveniles And Juvenile Delinquency Introduction to Labeling Theory and Its Sociological Significance The labeling theory says that people become classified and alter their behaviors in courses that echo how others seem to label them. The theory is the most commonly categorized with sociology for crime along with deviance. Labeling and considering…

  • An Analysis Of A Juveniles Violence And Delinquency

    An Analysis Of A Juveniles Violence And Delinquency ABSTRACT The Retribution given to an adult is not as the same for a child though the crime committed by them are same. Juvenile delinquency is an act or omission by a child or young fantasy, which is punishable by law. The Delhi gang rape in a…

  • Effect Of Media On The Social And Emotional Development Of Children And Young People

    Effect Of Media On The Social And Emotional Development Of Children And Young People In today’s world, children are born and raised in the digital world wherein both the home environment and other surrounding environments they are exposed to and immersed into a life consumed by an array of digital devices and concepts (Akyar and…

  • Peer Pressure a Silent Destroyer Essay

    Peer Pressure a Silent Destroyer Essay In adolescents, it is very important to how they get along with others. Good social skills are important for success. Social skills may include how we communicate with others, how to make friends, and how to act in different social situations. Adolescents spend a lot more of their time…

  • Adolescents and Health Risk Behavior

    Adolescents and Health Risk Behavior Adolescent grows the complexity in society, he/she may want how to modify new behavior state by improving self-mechanism defense and affiliating peer group. (Lerner and Steinberg, 2004). During this substance use period associated with peer friend may create, exchange health identification conceptualization, independence in choice making exchange , closeness, sexuality…

  • Cyber Libel Awareness among Adolescents

    Cyber Libel Awareness among Adolescents The 21st century shapes the modern face on how people communicate. The use of Internet information and communications technology hastily arises over the past years. These technologies are widely used by adolescents since it becomes a medium for getting excellent sources of news and information, yet they are the most…

  • The Ways To Combat Juvenile Delinquency

    The Ways To Combat Juvenile Delinquency Abstract To combat juvenile delinquency, we must look at the people who are deeply affected by it the worst. The reasons why juvenile delinquency occurs in high-income areas are different from the reasons why juvenile delinquency occurs in low-income areas. The ways family, police and school handle those situations…

  • The Effects Of Parenting Styles On Juvenile Delinquency

    The Effects Of Parenting Styles On Juvenile Delinquency Juvenile Delinquency is a major problem in the United States. Many of our youth are participating in illicit activities to gain something, whether it is money, popularity, etc. Parenting styles have a major effect on a childs decision to participate in delinquent behaviors. A sense of family…

  • Juvenile Delinquency In India: Reasons, Justice And Solutions

    Juvenile Delinquency In India: Reasons, Justice And Solutions ABSTRACT All kids need is a little help, a little hope and somebody who believes in them. Juvenile delinquency is a serious problem and it is detrimental for the social order of nation. This problem is viewed as a socio-legal category invented in conjunction with the juvenile…

  • Juvenile Delinquency: Who’s To Blame

    Juvenile Delinquency: Who’s To Blame Before we go full speed into this topic, we might need to take a quick look at what juvenile delinquency is. A juvenile is someone who’s considered to be young and not fully developed, and delinquency simply means misconduct, when you add these two words together, it should make sense.…