Category: Advertisement
Using of Rhetorical Question in Advertisements
Using of Rhetorical Question in Advertisements Seducing women in the 90s is a current struggle for all men. How to attract women without even trying! is an article written by an unknown author and later published in FHM magazine, in November 1994 with the aim to persuade all male readers to buy this book. There…
Commercialization of Junk Food as a Problem
Commercialization of Junk Food as a Problem Have you ever had a theme song stuck in your head from a commercial or advertisement of some sort? This is how companies and food industries convince you to buy their products. Commercialization persuades the audience of targeted civilians watching it to purchase the food/product being advertised. We…
Analysis of a Contemporary Tourism Advertisement for the Middle East and How it Perpetuates the Prejudices of Orientalism
Analysis of a Contemporary Tourism Advertisement for the Middle East and How it Perpetuates the Prejudices of Orientalism Peoples and places around the globe are continuously re-invented, re-produced and re-created as tourism marketers create powerful representations of them (Salazar:2009). As a result, these different ways how people and places are being represented has a huge…
Applications of Digital Photography in Advertising: Analytical Essay
Applications of Digital Photography in Advertising: Analytical Essay For decades, digital photography has been a key feature in the campaigns of brands, big or small. Photographs are used to highlight the product or service that a brand is offering, and by applying various techniques, which I shall later highlight, to idealise the product in question.…
Analysis of Advertisement Strategy of PepsiCo Products
Analysis of Advertisement Strategy of PepsiCo Products 1. Intended message: As a worthy competitor of the Coca-cola company, the advertisement aims to announce that the Pepsi beverage has been consumed over many generations, is continued to be drunk by everyone nowadays and will remain popular in the years to come, so everyone should join the…
Sex Image Essay
Sex Image Essay Introduction Emotion, sex, and humor can generally be attributed as three tried and tested (and arguably done to death as well) formulas of advertising communications. A quick search on any advertising portal would show almost all communications have tried to make their way to effectiveness with a mix of emotion, sex, and…
Double Stuf Oreo Ad Analysis
Double Stuf Oreo Ad Analysis All 4 persons in the ad are remarkably well-known athletes who play tennis and football. The ad is the Double Stuf Racing League in which the athletes are in a competition to see whos fastest to twist, lick and dunk their oreo cookies. Most athletes are familiar with the leave…
How Did Pop Art Movement Influence Modern Branding and Advertisement?
How Did Pop Art Movement Influence Modern Branding and Advertisement? This essay will explore how specific art pieces from various artists within the Pop Art movement have contributed to the birth of branding and advertising and what influence it still has on modern design. It will identify how brands use the Pop Art style within…
Issue of Underage Drinking in Australia and Reactive Advertising as an Effective Way to Combat It
Issue of Underage Drinking in Australia and Reactive Advertising as an Effective Way to Combat It The World Health Organization defines public health as the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts of society. Health campaigns are generally designed both to increase awareness of health threats and…
Makeup Advertisement Analysis: Critical Essay
Makeup Advertisement Analysis: Critical Essay Reading Our Lips: A Reflection of Lipstick Advertising from 1920-2019 What makes something beautiful? Each culture has a set of general beliefs about what constitutes femininity and beauty (Frith et al., 2009, p.193). Beauty is a discourse of society and it is constantly changing and reflecting societal values of the…