Category: Augustus
Augustus’ Use of Built Forms to Ascend and Maintain His Power
Augustus’ Use of Built Forms to Ascend and Maintain His Power Augustus, a renowned leader of the Roman Empire during the 27 BC, initiated the use of built forms for the ascension and preservation of power. The development of Rome under his rule inaugurated a highly influential style of architecture, establishing a new standard subsequent…
Life and Reign of Augustus – the First Emperor of Rome
Life and Reign of Augustus – the First Emperor of Rome Augustus was in theory Romes first emperor (although he never had the official title nor did he ever try to call himself an emperor). He steered Romes evolution from a republic to an empire during the turbulent years after the assassination of Augustus’s great-uncle…
Research Essay on The Life of Augustus and His Wife Livia Drusilla
Research Essay on The Life of Augustus and His Wife Livia Drusilla Livia Drusilla, a manipulative, power-hungry killer or a victim of gendered history? How accurate are the primary sources in their depiction of Livia Drusilla and how have they affected how she is perceived today? Sophie Lee (z3373017) Outline Livia Drusilla (58BCE~29CE) is a…
Role of Augustus and Augustan Army for Roman Empire: Analytical Essay
Role of Augustus and Augustan Army for Roman Empire: Analytical Essay Question: examine the significant contributions of the Augustan army to the achievement of pax Romana and the subsequent development in Roman north Africa. Augustus was a Roman Statesman and a military leader who became the first Emperor of the Roman Empire. Augustus reigned from…
Reign of Augustus Caesar: Critical Analysis
Reign of Augustus Caesar: Critical Analysis Augustus, during the hour of his rule as princeps of the Roman individuals, developed for himself a picture of military ability, liberality, goodness, and leniency. Octavian, before known as Augustus was believed to be one of the most significant pioneers in Roman history. His character as a pioneer, criminal,…
Comparative Essay on Roman Empire: Rule of Augustus and Trajan
Comparative Essay on Roman Empire: Rule of Augustus and Trajan In order to assess how the conception of the role of a Roman emperor changed over this period of time, and how his subjects reacted to him, we must first ascertain how the original role of the emperor was presented. For an emperor to have…
Critical Analysis of the Development of Roman Empire under the Leadership of Augustus
Critical Analysis of the Development of Roman Empire under the Leadership of Augustus The Greek and Roman Golden ages are responsible for some of the worlds greatest advancements. They each had major contributions to the world of Arts and Sciences, but their reaction to different challenges resulted in the Greek Age of Pericles not having…