Category: Babies (Documentary)

  • Close Analysis Essay: Babies and Kony 2012

    Close Analysis Essay: Babies and Kony 2012 Childhood experiences are defined through the environments in which they are raised in. Regardless of their environment, a child will thrive through natural survival instincts, coping skills, and will exhibit resiliency characteristics throughout their childhood. Throughout the films Kony 2012 and Babies, it displays childhood from two very…

  • Babies’: Child Rearing across Cultures

    Babies’: Child Rearing across Cultures The movie Babies, produced by Thomas Balmes (2010), is a documentary that follows the lives of four babies from different parts of the world as they interact with their surroundings for the first year of their existence: Ponijao from Namibia, Mari (Japan), Bayar (Mongolia), and Hattie (America). Although there is…