Category: Banking

  • Chinas Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

    Chinas Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank Table of Contents Introduction Economic Growth Sustainability Funding Gap Global Initiative Investment Potential Conclusion References Introduction Chinas Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is an organization intended to support infrastructural development in the region. Despite its evident positive implications, several major actors, including the U.S. and Japan, voiced their disproval of…

  • Banking Regulations Undermining Financial Crisis

    Banking Regulations Undermining Financial Crisis Introduction Traces of financial crisis and negative externalities have been present across the banking sector for the last several decades, so their impact on economic stability can be explained via two inherent descriptions. The first vital concept is the existence of microprudential purposes that gave birth to balance sheet rules…

  • The Analysis of Wells Fargo Bank Actions

    The Analysis of Wells Fargo Bank Actions Introduction In the past, I was thinking that the mutual relationship between the Wells Fargo Bank and mining companies is just very healthy for favorable economic growth. As I perceived it, the Wells Fargo Bank was really helping the mining companies to raise enough money to enhance their…

  • Best Big Bank in Australia & Principal Agent Theory

    Best Big Bank in Australia & Principal Agent Theory Table of Contents The sources of the problem appearance A set of recommendations to help the Bank Alternative staff incentive scheme Bibliography Business is extremely competitive in the modern world and most companies and organizations think about the methods and techniques for improving their work performance.…

  • Credit Quality in Banking Lending and Investment

    Credit Quality in Banking Lending and Investment Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion References Footnotes Introduction For the last 30 years, bank institutions have represented more than half of the commercial lending sector and approximately a quarter of the entire corporate credit market1. The institutions are cautious creditors and repeatedly work to make credit accessible…

  • The Rise of Islamic Banking in a Time of Economic Crisis

    The Rise of Islamic Banking in a Time of Economic Crisis Table of Contents Introduction History of Islamic Banking Islamic Banking Principles Modern Islamic Banking Services Offered By Islamic Banks The Present and Future of Islamic Banking Sharia Advisory Council/Consultant Conclusion Works Cited Introduction On the surface, it may seem odd that Islamic banking is…

  • State Banks and Real Estate Banks Collapse

    State Banks and Real Estate Banks Collapse Today, the collapse of state banks is the problematic situation which is often associated with significant economic and political problems in the country. Nevertheless, it is impossible to state that this situation is characteristic only for the modern development of business and economics. The problem is in the…

  • The Asian Infrastructure Investment Banks Initiative

    The Asian Infrastructure Investment Banks Initiative Introduction The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a large-scale initiative created under the leadership of China (Mishra, 2016). This international organization has two key objectives. First, its task is to enhance financial cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. Second, the activities of the bank are aimed at financing infrastructure…

  • Opening a Bank Branch in Lithuania

    Opening a Bank Branch in Lithuania Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction The right place for opening a regional bank overseas in order to serve those businesses that are expanding internationally would be Lithuania. The main reason for choosing this country is that Lithuania is the financial technology center in Europe. Therefore,…

  • US Financial and Banking Reforms History

    US Financial and Banking Reforms History Summary The article analyzed the challenges of the US financial institution in 1832. Proponents of the recharter bill believed that the presidents objections could have been reviewed. As a result, the bill was floored at the senate house on moral grounds. 1 The president rejected the decisions of the…