Category: Biomedicine

  • Biomedical Ethics Study in the Christian Narrative

    Biomedical Ethics Study in the Christian Narrative Under the Christian narrative and Christian vision, what sorts of issues are most pressing in this case study? The case study at hand contains several controversial issues that can be called pressing if regarded in the context of the Christian narrative and Christian vision. However, generalization is not…

  • Biomedical Data in Probabilistic Decision-Making

    Biomedical Data in Probabilistic Decision-Making Nowadays, clinical decisions are often correlated with uncertainty, mainly because of the characteristics of the data used. This data tends to be imperfect, which makes it challenging to manage (Owens and Sox, 2014), and it is typically diverse and produced by multiple loosely connected units, which makes it challenging to…

  • Biomedical Ethics in Christian Narrative

    Biomedical Ethics in Christian Narrative Table of Contents Introduction Pressing Issues from a Christian Perspective The inappropriateness of Mikes Decisions Medical Ethics Recommendation Conclusion References Introduction The case study of Healing and Autonomy demonstrates how Christians can make inappropriate decisions regarding the treatment of their children. In the case study, Mike and Joanne are parents…

  • Application of Bioelectromagnetics in Medicine

    Application of Bioelectromagnetics in Medicine Table of Contents Introduction Important Concepts Contraindications Health Benefits and Applications Integration into Nursing Practice Conclusion References Introduction The utilization of bioelectromagnetics has been a topic of discussion within and outside of the medical community. Due to the latest scientific findings, there has been a surge in the popularity of…

  • Moral Character in Principles of Biomedical Ethics by Beauchamp and Childress

    Moral Character in Principles of Biomedical Ethics by Beauchamp and Childress The issue of moral actions can be reviewed from different perspectives. One aspect of it is the virtues of a person that guide his or her decisions and their connection to ethical behavior. The difference between norms and virtues is essential because the former…

  • Biomedical Model: The Nurses and Midwives Council Code

    Biomedical Model: The Nurses and Midwives Council Code Introduction Several models have been derived to look at health-related theories but biomedical model brings out an interesting coverage of the topic. Biomedical model looks at health from an individual point of view. In this case, the body is a machine with constituent parts that could be…

  • Ethical Issues in Biomedical Research

    Ethical Issues in Biomedical Research Ethical issues in biomedical research still exist in many countries (both developed and developing). London (2002) claims that researchers in developed countries have not agreed on the way to define minimal risks. Developing countries are often regarded as areas where ethical considerations are rather peculiar and sometimes non-existent due to…

  • Translational Biomedical Informatics and Public Health

    Translational Biomedical Informatics and Public Health Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion References Introduction Over the last decade, there has been significant development of biomedical research in the field of genomics, the cellular basis of the pathogenesis of diseases, and the definition of methods for their drug correction. Nevertheless, the gap between practical health care…

  • Biomedical View of Health

    Biomedical View of Health Table of Contents Introduction Strengths and weaknesses of the biomedical model Social Model Conclusion References Introduction For many years, physicians and medical practitioners have relied on the biomedical model in the diagnosis of diseases. According to the biomedical model, health is freedom from pain, disease, or defect (De Vito 2000). This…

  • Genetic Engineering Biomedical Ethics Perspectives

    Genetic Engineering Biomedical Ethics Perspectives Diverse perspectives ensue vivisection, bio, and genetic engineering activities, trying to deduce their significance in evolution, medicine, and society. Significance in society, medicine, economics, or evolution is not the sole concern for human-hybrid experimentations. Legal and ethical perspectives are equally essential and remain salient considerations that determine continuous activities in…