Category: Bipolar Disorder

  • Bipolar vs. Borderline Disorder in a Female Patient

    Bipolar vs. Borderline Disorder in a Female Patient This case is characterized by the fact that the girl has non-standard behavior. She is prone to excessive activity, delusional thoughts and actions, and promiscuous sexual relations. In this case, there is one specific diagnosis and two differential ones, that is, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and personality, respectively.…

  • Bipolar Mental Disorder and Its Impact on an Individual

    Bipolar Mental Disorder and Its Impact on an Individual Mental or psychological disorders affect a persons feelings, mood, and thinking, leading to distress. Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental illness associated with shifts in mood and changes in activity and energy levels. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in four people has a…

  • Bipolar Disorder as a Prevalent Mental Health Issue

    Bipolar Disorder as a Prevalent Mental Health Issue Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Types of Bipolar Disorder Psychopathology Diagnosis Treatment Conclusions References Abstract Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mental disease that affects around 1% of all people worldwide. In the US the incidence is at 2.8%. BD affects a persons mood, forcing them to go…

  • Bipolar Disorder From Theoretical Perspective

    Bipolar Disorder From Theoretical Perspective Involved Neurotransmitters and Receptors Being a complex neurobiological issue, bipolar disorder has an intricate pathway that determines the pathology. Specifically, the interconnected limbic, striatal and fronto-cortical neurotransmitters are involved in the pathology of the disorder. Connected into a network, the specified systems contribute to the development of the disorder to…

  • Bipolar I: Manic-Depressive Disorder Medical Synopsis & Treatment

    Bipolar I: Manic-Depressive Disorder Medical Synopsis & Treatment Introduction Bipolar I, which is also sometimes referred to as manic depression or manic-depressive disorder, is a mental illness. The main feature of this condition is at least one manic episode during a lifetime. Researchers claim Bipolar I disorder to be a recurrent chronic disorder characterized by…

  • The Link Between Bipolar Disorder and Creativity

    The Link Between Bipolar Disorder and Creativity Table of Contents Introduction Neurobiology of Bipolar Disorder Relationship between Bipolar Disorder and Creativity Diagnosis and Management of Bipolar Disorder Conclusion Annotated Bibliography References Introduction Humanity has known the bipolar disorder since the epoch of ancient Greeks. Nevertheless, it was until the 20th century that people were able…

  • Bipolar Disorder Phenomenon in Medicine

    Bipolar Disorder Phenomenon in Medicine The bipolar disorder phenomenon, which is regarded by the modern medical community as another epidemic, requires special attention and resources. It is a condition in which extreme mood swings are present. Bipolar disorder includes emotional highs such as mania or hypomania, and low emotional highs such as depression (Carvalho &…

  • Bipolar Mental Disorder: Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment

    Bipolar Mental Disorder: Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive disease or manic depression, is a mental condition characterized by extreme fluctuations in activity, focus, energy, mood, and the ability to carry out routine tasks. Bipolar disorder can present itself in three distinct ways. There are noticeable shifts in temperament, vigor,…

  • Bipolar Disorder: The Key Features

    Bipolar Disorder: The Key Features Table of Contents Introduction Body Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Mental health conditions have a significant impact on peoples quality of life. One such illness is bipolar disorder, which, in extreme cases, negatively impacts a persons ability to function in society. Despite its incurable nature and severe symptoms bipolar disorder can…

  • Bipolar Disorder in the Criminal Justice System

    Bipolar Disorder in the Criminal Justice System Bipolar disorder is a type of mental illness marked by mood fluctuations that are out of the ordinary, as well as changes in energy and capacity to operate. Unlike typical mood swings, which everyone experiences, the symptoms of bipolar illness may be quite significant. In some situations, the…