Category: Cesar Chavez

  • The History of Cleopatra’s Romantic Relationships

    The History of Cleopatra’s Romantic Relationships Cleopatras life was very interesting. Being born into the Ptolemy family, life was not easy. She had to be very smart and intelligent to even stay alive. She was her fathers favorite so she learned from the best person to rule. She got married to her father so he…

  • Dolores Huerta and Her Major Achievements for the Society

    Dolores Huerta and Her Major Achievements for the Society Dolores Clara Fernandez Huerta is a living human rights hero for several Latinos, especially for women. She spent the majority of her life as a political activist who strived to get better working conditions for farmworkers. Her focus was to help out the conditions of the…

  • The Concept of Culture and Its Main Aspects

    The Concept of Culture and Its Main Aspects Culture is the characteristic of a certain group of people that defined things such as what language they speak, the type of religion they are, or the type of lifestyle they have and many other things. When it comes to cultures it’s very different for people in…

  • The Underprivileged Future of Modern American Society

    The Underprivileged Future of Modern American Society No matter how ridiculous it may seem, but even today, two absolutely different public institutions – public schools and jails – are competing for government attention. And oddly enough, the prisons can be declared as the fair winners. Now, what are the reasons behind these unpleasant results? Does…

  • Dolores Huertas Impact on Americans Lives

    Dolores Huertas Impact on Americans Lives As minorities started to populate the United States for better opportunities, xenophobia became prominent throughout America. The objective of the Chicano Rights Movement was to fight against the inequitable discrimination that afflicted Latinos. Accordingly, supporters who wished to eradicate discrimination started to join the movement. As the movement progressed,…

  • The Underestimated Method of Fighting Back

    The Underestimated Method of Fighting Back Ever since the first human civilization was established, the imperfections of humanity are prone to give birth to injustices amongst ourselves. With the inveterate inclination for humans to take the best of everything for themselves, throughout history, stories of oppression from one party to another are common. However, when…

  • Achievements of the Chicano Movement

    Achievements of the Chicano Movement American citizens suffered from discrimation due to their background. The Chicano Movement began in the 1960s when they generation was tired of being discriminated and decided it was time to fight for their rights. During the movement, there were goals that people wanted to do. For example, demand their rights…

  • A Spark of Protest Creates New Movements

    A Spark of Protest Creates New Movements In the wake of the African-American civil rights protest that inspired new legislation and laws to be made in order to follow in its own legacy, four more movements (created by different ethnic groups and cultures) emerged in order to fulfill their own demands and ambitions within a…

  • Overview of the Documentary ‘La Raza’

    Overview of the Documentary ‘La Raza’ In the documentary La Raza, the history of East LA and the Chicano movement is portrayed as an important part of Chicano history. This movement occurred during the 1960s and 1970s, and it has made a significant difference in Chicano culture and how people view Hispanics and Latinos. Their…

  • Protesting Through Art Using the Examples of the Harlem Renaissance and the Chicano Mural Movement

    Protesting Through Art Using the Examples of the Harlem Renaissance and the Chicano Mural Movement One culture factor that influences social changes is communication through music and art. The Civil Rights Movement in United States was infused with religion and lead by a social group of people to share the interests of equality. The Civil…