Category: Childhood Memories

  • For Which I Am Thankful to My Parents

    For Which I Am Thankful to My Parents There is no doubt that the lunches I brought to school were unique. The lunches of sabzi (vegetables with gravy), roti (round flatbread) and chaval (rice) that my mother made for me labelled me as an outsider in school and amongst my classmates. My peers would come…

  • Memories of My Childhood

    Memories of My Childhood I think most of people have some memories of their childhood and same goes to me. But the number of recollections varies enormously. I do remember some parts in my childhood events, but definitely not all, not even most, not even half. I rather say we remember mostly fragments. I do…

  • Reflection on My Childhood Diaries

    Reflection on My Childhood Diaries As I held a book with a worn green cover, prominently labeled Secret! Do not open! and filled with pages of chicken scratches and crude sketches, memories rushed back of the many evenings I spent diligently writing in my childhood diary. I kept a diary from mid-elementary school up until…

  • Essay on Childhood Memories

    Essay on Childhood Memories When we are young, we dont think about the memories that we are making in the present, it is just later that we realize that our younger self is really missed. Sometimes, when we try to revoke those memories, we think that the events that we remember are really what happened…

  • Childhood Sports Memories Essay

    Childhood Sports Memories Essay Life Is Nothing Short of a Game I have always been of a sporty kind since my childhood. I loved playing both indoor and outdoor games. I was very much drawn to numerous indoor board games as compared to outdoor ones since choices were both limited and costly to play full-fledged…

  • Childhood Memories with Parents Essay

    Childhood Memories with Parents Essay It was finalized. We were moving. My heart dropped when I heard this news. What was better than moving away from your childhood home? Nothing. Those were my exact thoughts as my parents tried to explain why we had to move. I listened to my parents and nodded while my…

  • Childhood Memories with Mother: Essay

    Childhood Memories with Mother: Essay A majority of my childhood was spent with my mother, she was lucky enough to be a stay-at-home mom throughout my childhood. On the other hand, my father had a very high-stress job that required him to travel and spend long days at the office. I remember him coming home…

  • Childhood Memories of My Grandparents’ House Essay

    Childhood Memories of My Grandparents’ House Essay Memories seem to make or break people. They seem to bring out the most vivid emotions in people and can bring out the best and worst. Memories can make us happy or sad people, some leave us with our battle scars and make us sometimes even want to…

  • Childhood Memories of My Grandparents Essay

    Childhood Memories of My Grandparents Essay While growing up I realize that there are so many memories left in the past, so much that we did not pay attention to, so many moments that we had taken for granted. When my grandmother died last summer, it was the point of realization for me on how…

  • Disney Movie Childhood Memories Essay

    Disney Movie Childhood Memories Essay Chana Chaikin Sociology Impact of Disney Movies Growing up I watched a lot of Disney movies. We primarily only watched Jewish media, except Disney movies, as my parents felt that many of the films themes had valuable lessons for us to learn. Disney movies were a big part of my…