Category: Childhood

  • Childhood Diabetes in Saudi Arabia

    Childhood Diabetes in Saudi Arabia Diabetes occurs in two forms; Type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is the deficiency of insulin in the body, whereas type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) occurs due to the bodys inability to respond effectively to insulin in the blood. T1DM is most common in…

  • Early Childhood Caries: Research Discussion

    Early Childhood Caries: Research Discussion Table of Contents Validity and Reliability Internal and External Validity Examples of Validity Hypotheses Objectives Research Question and Target Population References The nature, epidemiology, and health implications of oral diseases have changed significantly within the past four decades. The prevalence of caries in childhood has increased in the United States.…

  • Physical and Mental Wellness of Young Children in the Early Childhood Classroom

    Physical and Mental Wellness of Young Children in the Early Childhood Classroom Correcting childrens physical and mental well-being requires various approaches in schools and families. For example, the article by Cekaite and Bergnehr (2018) titled Affectionate touch and care: Embodied intimacy, compassion, and control in early childhood education discusses one of the ways to improve…

  • Childhood Mental Disorders: Symptoms and Treatment

    Childhood Mental Disorders: Symptoms and Treatment Table of Contents Introduction Definition Symptoms Cognitive-Behavioral Treatments Pharmacotherapy Treatments Conclusion Reference Introduction Childhood disorders refer to the emotional and mental issues that are diagnosed and often happen to younger or school-going children. Some symptoms begin early in a childs life, although some develop during the adolescent stage (Dias…

  • Aspects of the Childhood Stage of Life

    Aspects of the Childhood Stage of Life Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference Introduction A fitness and wellness plan for the childhood stage of life is beneficial for several reasons. It can help promote healthy growth and development, encourage physical activity and physical literacy, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and create a foundation…

  • Childhood Obesity and Nutrition

    Childhood Obesity and Nutrition Summary The prevalence of childhood obesity in schools can be compared to an epidemic of a virulent disease on a global scale. Research statistics have shown that on average 15.5% of children aged between five to fifteen in school have body mass indexes reaching 30 or higher, far above the norm…

  • Childhood Crime at School in the State of Texas

    Childhood Crime at School in the State of Texas The critical policy problem that is the focus of the proposal is the increasing number of school emergencies associated with childhood crime in the state of Texas. The three-step framework developed to address this issue targets crime prevention policies and the overall increase in students safety…

  • Diverse Families, Immigrants and Low Income on Early Childhood Education

    Diverse Families, Immigrants and Low Income on Early Childhood Education Diverse families and their impact on early childhood education How does parent involvement affect early childhood education? A parents involvement is the dedication of available resources to their children in a certain domain. The dedication may include participating in school activities, childs effective environment, and…

  • Integrating Cultural Beliefs Into Early Childhood Education

    Integrating Cultural Beliefs Into Early Childhood Education There are myriads of cultural beliefs that are mostly ignored in several jurisdictions especially when it comes to early childhood education. However, it is not necessarily true that all the cultural beliefs mentioned by Tobin (2011) are integral within the early childhood education cycle. As much as cultural…

  • The Sweet Time of The Childhood

    The Sweet Time of The Childhood Sometimes it is said that childhood is the most perfect period of a human life. During this period a person gathers different characteristically traits and attributes which develop inside the person and ultimately shapes his character. From the perspective of developmental psychology, childhood is a stage which is promptly…