Category: Christopher Columbus

  • Columbus Hero or Villain

    Columbus Hero or Villain On Monday, October 14th, citizens all around America commemorate Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of the new world. However, beneath the American flags and fireworks, many of the horrors of his voyage have gone untold. Throughout his expeditions, Columbus terrorized the Taínos people, which ultimately lead to mass genocide. Christopher Columbus has…

  • Christopher Columbus: The Age Of Exploration

    Christopher Columbus: The Age Of Exploration During the Age of Exploration, many explorers set out on expeditions to search for land for each of their investors. One explorer that is commonly known as the famous Italian explorer named Christopher Columbus. Christopher Columbus wrote The Journal of the First Voyage to America to attempt to convince…

  • American Economy Before Christopher Columbus

    American Economy Before Christopher Columbus In the past, European countries came to the Americas looking to build their empire and gain power. They were competing to be the most powerful country and improve their economic lives. In the drive to be the most powerful European country, they started colonizing the Americas. Christopher Columbus was an…

  • Christopher Columbus: New World Discovery

    Christopher Columbus: New World Discovery Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer born in Genoa, Italy between August 26 and October 31, 1451, and was determined to find a direct water route from Europe to Asia, but instead, stumbled across America. When Columbus was young, he assisted his father, Domenico Colombo, at his cheese stand. Columbuss…

  • Christopher Columbus: First Expedition To The America

    Christopher Columbus: First Expedition To The America The first time Christopher Columbus speaks about Christianity, he mentions the conversion of the Native Americans. He talks about how he believes that the way to help the conversion go smoothly, is to show kindness and not convert them through force. Therefore, he gave them gifts and in…

  • Columbian Exchange Essay

    Columbian Exchange Essay The Columbian Exchange represents a turning point in human history that has shaped the world in ways that continue to resonate today. Named after Christopher Columbus, the exchange commenced in the late 15th century, marking a widespread exchange of crops, animals, technologies, cultures, and even diseases between the New World (the Americas)…

  • Analytical Essay on Impact of Christopher Columbus

    Analytical Essay on Impact of Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus asked King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain for money to try out his idea of traveling west to reach the East. Queen Isabella refused Columbus at first. Later King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella gave Columbus three ships, a crew of about ninety men, and some…

  • Essay on Christopher Columbus Pros and Cons

    Essay on Christopher Columbus Pros and Cons One of Zinns main points is that we will always be reminded of the violence and wrongdoings of the past (Zinn 2003, p. 9). Part of the reason is that we cover atrocities with other information that is all about the glory. It is easy to say that…

  • Essay on Christopher Columbus Major Accomplishments

    Essay on Christopher Columbus Major Accomplishments The Atlantic trade route was one of the newest trade routes that shaped the development of World History to 1500 by giving the Old World an entrance to the New World through the travel of the Atlantic Ocean. Although the New World was not new as it had existed…

  • Essay on Christopher Columbus and His Importance

    Essay on Christopher Columbus and His Importance In this essay I will be discussing how the European encounters viewed the Americas in 1492, also explaining and comparing the prejudice within Christopher Columbuss journal with the perceptions the local people held on the Europeans. On the 12th of October 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew arrived…