Category: Civil Liberties

  • Essay on Similarities between Civil Rights and Civil Liberties

    Essay on Similarities between Civil Rights and Civil Liberties There have been many issues of discrimination and unequal treatment for hundreds of years. It has only been until recently that those who have been brought down are now getting a chance to have their voices heard. This was all possible through the implementation of civil…

  • Legal Protection of Civil Liberties in the United Kingdom

    Legal Protection of Civil Liberties in the United Kingdom The European convention of human rights is a product of the council for European an international organization on human rights (consisting of 47 member states). The primary purpose of the council was to foster human rights around the world and the secondary purpose was to protect…

  • Leadership and Civil Liberties: Discursive Essay

    Leadership and Civil Liberties: Discursive Essay The author of the source believes in an ideal society with elements of collectivism and authoritarianism. They are critical of some of the elements of democracies, however, the system of democracy is still put into use in the source and within that some of the liberal ideas. Because of…