Category: Computer Hacking

  • Should Computer Hacking Be Justified?

    Should Computer Hacking Be Justified? We are currently at war. Weve been at war for many years, whether its battling a civil war or sending out resources to our allies wars. Every day, many brave soldiers are out there, fighting to prevent horrors from happening in the world, but we also have people fighting from…

  • Computer Hacking as a Real Problem of the 21st Century

    Computer Hacking as a Real Problem of the 21st Century Hacking is a complex way of interfering with someone’s computer. It is used by many criminals and it can be used for good as well. Hacking is identifying weakness in computer systems or networks to gain access. Computers are a huge impact in a business…

  • An Integrated Analysis of Computer Hacking

    An Integrated Analysis of Computer Hacking Did you know that in 2018, the total cost of cybercrime amounted to 1 trillion US dollars? In this digital age, almost everyone relies on some form of technology to store information. From social media accounts, bank accounts, to confidential government projects, there are countless pieces of information stored…