Category: Constitution

  • The Constitution Of Medina

    The Constitution Of Medina Yathrib or Medina was a place where there were conflicts among pagan and Jewish tribes for hundreds of years. Due to distinction in ideologies and disagreements, it resulted in massacres and battles such as Battle-of-Buath between clans. This was perceptible to all the clans of Medina, that the hatred and bloodshed…

  • Secularism Under Indian Constitution And Judicial Intervention

    Secularism Under Indian Constitution And Judicial Intervention The English word secular drives from the Latin word saeculum, meaning the present age, this world of change as opposed to the eternal religious world. It is defined as the liberation of man from religious and metaphysical tutelage the turning of his attention away from other worlds and…

  • A Nation Of Compromise: The Magna Carta And The Constitution

    A Nation Of Compromise: The Magna Carta And The Constitution The Founding Fathers are the seminal example of the importance of compromise in politics. Before the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the significance of political compromise appeared effervescent in the Ancient Greeks attempts to create a functioning nation-state that fit the ideals of the State, Romes…

  • Essay about the Rule of Law

    Essay about the Rule of Law The rule of law is one of three important constitutional pillars that form the constitution. As has an uncodified constitution, rule of law asserts the supremacy of law and aims to prevent arbitrary use of power as well as to protect citizens’ lives and property. It is difficult to…

  • Essay on How Did the Enlightenment Influence the Constitution

    Essay on How Did the Enlightenment Influence the Constitution The causes of the peasants ‘uprising, known as the Nice Fear of 1789, were the peasants’ impatience and desire to demand matters in their own hands because they were furious that they were forced to accommodate the chief of the taxation, the church tithes, and also…

  • Why Did the Constitution Allow Slavery to Continue: Argumentative Essay

    Why Did the Constitution Allow Slavery to Continue: Argumentative Essay Introduction The existence of slavery in the United States has been a dark chapter in the nation’s history. While the Constitution is revered as a foundational document that outlines principles of freedom and equality, it also included provisions that allowed for the continuation of slavery.…

  • Why Was the Constitution a Controversial Document Even as It Was Being Written

    Why Was the Constitution a Controversial Document Even as It Was Being Written Introduction The Constitution of the United States, drafted in 1787, is widely regarded as one of the most important documents in American history. However, during its creation, it faced significant controversy and debate. This essay will argue that the Constitution was a…

  • Essay on John Locke and Constitution

    Essay on John Locke and Constitution Introduction: John Locke, an influential Enlightenment thinker, played a significant role in shaping the political philosophy behind the United States Constitution. His ideas on natural rights, social contract, and limited government had a profound impact on the framers of the Constitution, laying the foundation for the principles and structure…

  • Essay on Popular Sovereignty in the Constitution

    Essay on Popular Sovereignty in the Constitution Introduction: Popular sovereignty is a fundamental principle embedded in the United States Constitution that establishes the power and authority of the government as deriving from the consent of the governed. This informative essay explores the concept of popular sovereignty in the Constitution, its significance, and its impact on…

  • The Constitution Amendment Process in a Dynamic Society

    The Constitution Amendment Process in a Dynamic Society Amendment Process: Proposals and Ratifications Adding an amendment to the United States Constitution is a difficult and lengthy process. It is no wonder an amendment has not been added to the Constitution since 1992. The first ten amendments of the Constitution are known as the Bill of…