Category: Construction

  • The Aircraft Runways Construction

    The Aircraft Runways Construction The construction of runways is similar to that of roads, only that the materials used are strong in holding heavyweight. Airport constructions necessitate careful use of instructions during the construction of runways and taxiways. Many airports rely on manufactured materials, including concrete or a mixture of aggregates and binders. Furthermore, building…

  • Engineering, Procurement and Construction Strategy

    Engineering, Procurement and Construction Strategy Introduction Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) is an innovative strategy applicable to big and complex projects. EPC activities are conducted by specialized contractors who undertake actual work on behalf of the owner. The details of engagement are outlined in an EPC contract, including the control, costs and risks. The EPC…

  • Investment Strategy: Construction of Portfolio

    Investment Strategy: Construction of Portfolio Table of Contents Introduction Investment Policy Statement Selection Process Stock choice Bond choice Conclusion References Introduction Selection of market securities that would be included in a certain investment portfolio requires scanning of various instruments in diverse financial markets. The markets from which the market instruments are picked include the capital…

  • Towards Green Construction: Timber as Material

    Towards Green Construction: Timber as Material Introduction Today, there is a variety of options allowing to construct buildings in accordance with the populations needs and modern tendencies, and a range of materials are available for realizing designers ideas. Timber is a resource, which has been used since early ages, and it is possible to construct…

  • Construction: Characteristics and Reliability of Piles and Props

    Construction: Characteristics and Reliability of Piles and Props The secant pile of the wall consists of two parts: primary and secondary piles. Primary piles should be drilled first and built using soft cement-bentonite mix or firm weak concrete. Such materials help create a temporary water seal system and give some time for constructing a future…

  • Construction Safety and Its Importance

    Construction Safety and Its Importance The article entitled Why Construction Safety is Important discusses construction safety and its impact on overall costs of the construction project. The article states that safety is essential for the owner and for the contractor as well and these are their collaborative efforts that finally determine how safe and cost-effective…

  • Construction of Fertilizer Blending Plants in Nigeria: Cost and Schedule Impact

    Construction of Fertilizer Blending Plants in Nigeria: Cost and Schedule Impact Summary Research Background The recent focus on the use of the available resources in order to produce NPK fertilizers has opened the door for Nigeria o enjoy multiple opportunities for attracting investors from overseas, thus, allowing the state to support and maintain its economic…

  • Construction Project Implementation

    Construction Project Implementation The investment and construction process is a complex chain of different stages of investment and payback of finances in the creation of architectural commissions. With all the variety of needs and demands in this field, directors usually have a few basic steps in their decision-making process. The main one is the choice…

  • Authentic Leadership in the Construction Industry

    Authentic Leadership in the Construction Industry Table of Contents Introduction Leadership in the Construction Industry Authentic Leadership Discussions Achieving Better Results Improving Knowledge in the Construction Industry Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Leadership remains a critical practice or strategy in every field, organization, and institution. Within the construction industry, there is a need for managers to…

  • Tunnel Design and Construction

    Tunnel Design and Construction Underground Tunneling Underground pathways and tunnels are among the most extraordinary engineering constructions ever built by man. By definition, a tunnel is an underground pathway that is fully enclosed except for an opening for egress, commonly at each end (Tunnel Encyclopedia, n.d). According to the International Tunneling Association (ITA), Tunneling plays…