Category: Criminal Behavior

  • Narrative Story about Sexual Harassment

    Narrative Story about Sexual Harassment Rationale For my written task, I decided to focus on part 2  Mass media and Communication- in the subtopic of Gender, sexism, and discrimination. The learning outcome addressed is to Show an awareness of the potential for an educational, political, or ideological influence of the media. I wrote a…

  • Informative Speech on Sexual Harassment over Time

    Informative Speech on Sexual Harassment over Time Sexual Harassment in the workplace and school slowly began to pick up speed in many parts of the U.S.A., In fact, the first sexually harassing cases did not come up until the late 1970s. The first signs of Sexual Harassment can also date back to the 1920s the…

  • History of Sexual Harassment: Argumentative Essay

    History of Sexual Harassment: Argumentative Essay In trying to understand sexual harassment one first has to learn where it derived from and what the roots of sexual harassment are. Sexism nowadays has a prevailing importance in many peoples lives. But what exactly does sexism mean? As sexism, one can understand discrimination based on someones gender…

  • Ted Bundy: The Most Notorious Killers In American History

    Ted Bundy: The Most Notorious Killers In American History The 1970s was one of the most terrifying decades for America, the most notorious and dangerous serial killers ran wild during this decade. One gripping serial killer that made everyone’s stomach twist at the call of his name was Theodore Bundy. Bundy was very different from…

  • Argumentative Essay on Religion and Sexual Harassment

    Argumentative Essay on Religion and Sexual Harassment The #MeToo was started in 2006 by Taraba Burke and her main objective was to spread the message of survivors (MacKinnon). In 2017, this movement was again raised by actress Alysa Milano when she tweets a message about harassment. After that people shared their bad experiences and stories…

  • It Is Not A Joke: The Normalization Of Rape Culture

    It Is Not A Joke: The Normalization Of Rape Culture Rape is a very sensitive topic that has a lot of meaning behind it. The definition of rape online is  unlawful sexual activity and usually, sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person’s will or with a person who…

  • Informative Speech on Sexual Harassment Prevention

    Informative Speech on Sexual Harassment Prevention Sexual harassment is described as any form of unwanted sexual behavior, sexual acts, or sexual discrimination that affects all kinds of people, male or female and it is against the law when harassers violate humans whole being and their rights. Others think that males cause sexual harassment but what…

  • Essay on Sexual Harassment in College

    Essay on Sexual Harassment in College Nowadays, sexual harassment has become a serious issue in institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities. It affects the mental and physical health of the victim. Therefore, there will be many psychological effects on someone who has been sexually harassed. Victims may experience depression, social problems, anxiety, or panic…

  • Thesis Statement for Paper on Sexual Harassment in Schools

    Thesis Statement for Paper on Sexual Harassment in Schools Introduction Increasingly in the past ten years, policy, public health, and criminal justice attention has been focused on sexual harassment in schools including physical abuse, psychological and emotional abuse, and sexual abuse involving controlling behavior and causing harm. Many adolescents experience sexual harassment behavior and the…

  • Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Persuasive Speech

    Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Persuasive Speech Sexual harassment happening in the workplace has been a perpetual problem for many decades. However, in October of 2017, The Me-Too Movement finally drew public attention to this timeless issue. Various celebrities started speaking out about the sexual abuse they experienced while working in Hollywood. Providing evidence of…