Category: Criminal Law

  • Women and Criminal Law

    Women and Criminal Law The concept of equality requires equity to prevail. However, the history of social development is itself the past of inequality – between countries, race, culture, class, caste, faiths and sexual orientation. In between this chaos, the issue of women’s rights reveals itself most prominently, cutting through all the stratums of social…

  • The Issue of Ex-offenders to Become Productive Members of Society

    The Issue of Ex-offenders to Become Productive Members of Society I stand in negation of the resolution to improve the educational standards for inmates not because inmates do not deserve a second chance, but because this education will not provide them a sufficient second chance for the following two reasons: (say both bullet point titles)…

  • The Strangest Criminal Laws in The World

    The Strangest Criminal Laws in The World Ever wonder if you are unconsciously a criminal in the different side of the world? This article is for you. We have made a list of the strangest criminal laws and what might surprise you is that, you might be one. Respect is a hard-earned word. As travelers,…

  • The Purpose of the Criminal Law

    The Purpose of the Criminal Law Criminal Law governs the society we live in by deeming what citizens living within its jurisdiction can and cannot lawfully do. Criminal Laws consists of statutes and common laws put in place by ruling governments or can based on previous case law. The laws are in place to help…

  • Do Rich People Get off Easier When They Break the Law: Persuasive Essay

    Do Rich People Get off Easier When They Break the Law: Persuasive Essay Hey Rich People, do you have money that can buy something that is not for sale? and something you shouldnt try to buy. And Hi Powerful, do you have that much power that can place yourselves above the law? The whole scenario…

  • Criminal Law Foundations: Evaluation Essay

    Criminal Law Foundations: Evaluation Essay A fundamental prerequisite for conviction in criminal law is blameworthiness, meaning that a defendant must have sufficient capacity to be held criminally responsible for their actions. While men’s rea accredits blameworthiness to the actus reus, there can occasionally be barriers to criminal responsibility that may make a defendant less culpable…

  • Argumentative Essay on Three Strikes Law: Pros and Cons

    Argumentative Essay on Three Strikes Law: Pros and Cons Signed into action under the Bill Clinton Administration, the Three Strikes Amendment is part of an early initiative to reduce crime and the number of repetitive criminals in rural and urban areas during the early years of the 1990s. As a result, the ratification directly influenced…

  • Stand Your Ground Law Debate Pros and Cons: Argumentative Essay

    Stand Your Ground Law Debate Pros and Cons: Argumentative Essay The debate over whether or not Stand Your Ground laws are necessary is a hefty topic. These laws, which give people the ability to defend themselves if threatened, spark lots of controversy over whether or not they are necessary. They have helped out the general…

  • Stand Your Ground Law Pros: Critical Essay

    Stand Your Ground Law Pros: Critical Essay Self-defense In this research paper, we will explain and discuss the Stand Your Ground law and how it relates to Self Defense. As you talk about this law you must incorporate a lot of different situations and cases. As well as this law being changed or tweaked multiple…

  • Persuasive Essay on Stand Your Ground Law Pros and Cons

    Persuasive Essay on Stand Your Ground Law Pros and Cons Laws are primarily made to protect the rights and freedom of the people. However, on many occasions, specific rules might lead to a surge in victimization and crime rates when used carelessly. Stand-your-ground laws allow individuals to apply lethal force for self-defense when confronted and…