Category: Cultural Diversity
How Different Groups And Organisations Have An Influence On Science
How Different Groups And Organisations Have An Influence On Science Many organizations have an impact on on science. Those groups. These groups may additionally be political groups, organizations in society, businesses in commerce i.e enterprise or economic organizations and so on. They are many groups that have an influence on science. For example, there is…
The Role Of Veda, Upanishads, Mahabharata, And Ramayana In Hinduism
The Role Of Veda, Upanishads, Mahabharata, And Ramayana In Hinduism They are all most of ancient Hindu texts which define truth for Hindus religion, and they are also helping giving spiritual advise and wisdom to the Hinduism believers. All consisting of hymns, prayers, praises, spiritual guiding, meditations and mystical and philosophical teaching. So they have…
Types Of Religion In Singapore
Types Of Religion In Singapore Singapore like india is a secular country. This means that it does not have a state regulated religion which the citizens are bound to follow. Singaporeans are free to decide and follow any religion they like. Unlike other countries, this stands absolutely true. The government does not go against those…
The Peculiarities Of Japanese Pet Culture
The Peculiarities Of Japanese Pet Culture What would you be interested in doing if you visited Japan? I would like to learn about Japanese pet culture, what animals are commonly kept as pets and how differently they are cared for compared to Australia. Australian pet culture is somewhat similar to Japanese pet culture, some pets…
Dharma, Kama, Artha, Moksha As Four Main Concepts Of Hinduism
Dharma, Kama, Artha, Moksha As Four Main Concepts Of Hinduism Hinduism is one of the widespread religions in the world. It is considered the third largest religion after Christianity and Islam, and some scholars even call it the oldest religion with the roots dating back more than 4000 years. It is mostly practiced in the…
Vivekanandas Ideas On Reconstruction Of Hinduism
Vivekanandas Ideas On Reconstruction Of Hinduism Swami Vivekananda was a great political thinker. His social, political, religious and philosophical ideas are catered in many of his letters written to his disciples, his friends, his donors and his followers. Vivekananda was a many sided genius, a many sided personality is rather a poor description of his…
The Peculiarities Of Japanese Pet Culture
The Peculiarities Of Japanese Pet Culture What would you be interested in doing if you visited Japan? I would like to learn about Japanese pet culture, what animals are commonly kept as pets and how differently they are cared for compared to Australia. Australian pet culture is somewhat similar to Japanese pet culture, some pets…
Cultural Impact On Language And Thought
Cultural Impact On Language And Thought Culture is defined as everything people have, think & do as members of their society. Culture is transmitted through the way of learning and communicating with one’s environment, instead of through the genetic procedure. Culture can be thought of as a storage facility of all the information of the…
Rejecting Hinduism As A Religious Identity Of Self
Rejecting Hinduism As A Religious Identity Of Self In a recent work, The Coddling of the American Mind (2018), Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt talk about two versions of Identity Politics : Common Humanity Identity Politics and Common-Enemy Identity Politics. They regard the former as a positive and loving approach since it aims at bringing…
The Role Of Fire In Hinduism
The Role Of Fire In Hinduism Fire has always been a symbol of purity and brightness. There is no certain information about how humankind first got acquainted with fire. Probably when he first met fire, he was afraid and tried to protect himself against it. He was hurt by embers of the fire, however, when…