Category: Culture

  • Dutch-Lebanese Cross-Cultural Management at Clever Clogs International

    Dutch-Lebanese Cross-Cultural Management at Clever Clogs International Introduction The chief aim of this paper is to present a cross-cultural briefing report on behalf of Clever Clogs International to its new female Muslim manager in her mid-thirties who Clever Clogs International intends to transfer from Lebanon to Amsterdam, Netherlands. The report will focus on the current…

  • The HubSpot Companys Collaborative Culture

    The HubSpot Companys Collaborative Culture Table of Contents Introduction Collaboration Culture at HubSpot Conclusion References Introduction Collaboration occurs in almost every company, yet, not every company has a collaborative culture. A firm could be said to have such a philosophy if cooperation occurs there on a regular and purposeful basis. Teamwork determines the procedures of…

  • Western Culture, on the Case of Wal-Mart

    Western Culture, on the Case of Wal-Mart Over time it has been evidenced that western companies impose their corporate culture on the environments and individuals, within foreign locations where these companies are located; despite the cultural differences that should be put into consideration to allow for the thrive of the host countrys corporate culture. The…

  • Cross-Cultural Management in the Companies

    Cross-Cultural Management in the Companies Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction These days due to the companies hiring foreign employees, the necessity of proper knowledge in cross-cultural management is ever more increasing. Cross-cultural management studies potential value differences between people from diverse societies and can help them use reasonably accurate stereotypes to…

  • Managing in a Multicultural Context

    Managing in a Multicultural Context Table of Contents Introduction Organizational culture Recommendations List of References Introduction In todays world, the workplace is the major meeting place of different people with different personalities, values, cultures, and generally different ways of life. Because of this situation, a workplace has different challenges that the companys management must handle…

  • Biotensegrity Model and Organizational Culture

    Biotensegrity Model and Organizational Culture Table of Contents Introduction Categories and Concepts How the Thesis Connects with the Findings of Other Researchers Conclusion References Introduction This paper is a review of my completed thesis, which argues that the biotensegrity model could explain organizational culture. The use of the biotensegrity model to represent organizational culture partially…

  • Employee Cross-Cultural Training Program

    Employee Cross-Cultural Training Program Table of Contents Introduction The role of cross-cultural training programs The process of training Conclusion References Introduction The current climate in the business environment has become so competitive that organizations are now competing at a global level. Local markets have also become so strained, forcing companies to move beyond borders to…

  • Culture and Evolution of Hip-Hop in South Korea

    Culture and Evolution of Hip-Hop in South Korea Table of Contents Introduction The Culture and Evolution Conclusion Reference Introduction Korean hip-hop, otherwise known as K-hip hop, is a subgenre of hip-hop music from South Korea. The audience listens to hip-hop primarily as underdog music, the voice of the disadvantaged (Song, 2019). The hip-hop originated in…

  • Cultural Importance of Ognissanti Madonna and Basilica of Saint-Denis

    Cultural Importance of Ognissanti Madonna and Basilica of Saint-Denis Table of Contents Introduction France and Italys Values Understanding and Development of Human Nature and Aspiration Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Ognissanti Madonna is an altarpiece that Giotto created in c. 1300-05. It was his only painting and was explicitly meant for the church of the Ognissanti…

  • Michael Jacksons Influence on Pop Culture

    Michael Jacksons Influence on Pop Culture Introduction Michael Jackson has come to be recognized as the king of pop culture due to his performing, songwriting, acting, and dancing skills. Michael, born in 1958 in Indiana, first came into the limelight after he and his brothers formed a band called the Jackson 5 (Epis 46). As…