Category: Culture

  • Cultural Heritage and Health Traditions

    Cultural Heritage and Health Traditions Common Health Traditions Based on my Cultural Heritage Nigerians prefer taking healthy food, particularly vegetables. Food is grown naturally and has to be served hygienically because the handshake is a common greeting method. Nigerians believe in sex after marriage and not before. This makes the elderly be against boy-girl relationships.…

  • Healthcare Issues: The Cultural Assessment Framework

    Healthcare Issues: The Cultural Assessment Framework Cultural assessment in healthcare is important. Different authors stress on various frameworks for assessment which may define many particular aspects. Having selected a gender framework for cultural assessment, we would like to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this specific method. To conduct an assessment in a correct way,…

  • Inuit Culture in Nurses Practice

    Inuit Culture in Nurses Practice The Canadian sociocultural environment is famously diverse, each community being represented by a range of sociocultural groups and ethnicities. Among these, Inuit constitute a small yet essential part, being representatives of a set of indigenous cultures bound by belonging to the same environment of Arctic and Subarctic regions (Smylie et…

  • Language, Culture, and Healthcare

    Language, Culture, and Healthcare Table of Contents Introduction Communication in Language Discordant Settings Assessing Language Proficiency Language Support Integrated Language Support Solutions Cultural Differences Conclusion References Introduction Notably, culture and language are essential elements for providing high-quality healthcare. The continuous globalization and migration movements have influenced the increase in patients with various cultural and ethnic…

  • The Healthcare Workplace: Patient Safety Culture

    The Healthcare Workplace: Patient Safety Culture Fostering a safety culture is a key part of enhancing patient safety and service quality in the emergency care environment. Numerous researches indicate that a culture of safety and the associated safety climate framework are related to doctors practices, such as communication of failures, reduction of adverse events, and…

  • Health and Lifestyle in Russian Culture

    Health and Lifestyle in Russian Culture The Cultural Norms of Communication Adopted in Russia Verbal, Non-Verbal Communication, and Touches For some reason, western countries consider Russian people to be grim and gloomy, down to the point where communication with Russians becomes uncomfortable and unpleasant, but its just a big misunderstanding. I think cultural norms of…

  • Cultural Competency Examples in Healthcare

    Cultural Competency Examples in Healthcare A nurse is a specialist with a medical education in the field of nursing, who is a specialist and a member of the medical staff. A nurse plays an essential role in every medical institution, which performs a large number of functions. These functions include the implementation of therapeutic and…

  • Madeleine Leiningers Culture Care Theory in Nursing

    Madeleine Leiningers Culture Care Theory in Nursing Table of Contents Introduction Summary of Madeleine Leininger Theory Utilization of the Theory in Nursing Practice and Inquiry Conclusion References Introduction In the past, Madeleine Leininger noted and advocated for the notion of adequate care in nursing practice. Throughout her career as a nurse, she evaluated how nurses…

  • Cultural and Social Influences on Alaskan Native Oral Health

    Cultural and Social Influences on Alaskan Native Oral Health Alaska Natives have the worst oral health of any racial or ethnic group in the United States. More than half of children and adults suffer from caries and other oral diseases. This paper will examine the social and cultural causes that affect the dental health of…

  • Latinos and Nursing Culturally Competent Care

    Latinos and Nursing Culturally Competent Care Application of the Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care: Latinos Nurses possess adequate dexterities and concepts that can make it easier for them to deliver evidence-based and culturally competent care to their patients. They should take up leadership roles, implement powerful healthcare delivery models, and form cohesive teams…