Category: Deontology

  • Deontology Versus Act Consequentialism

    Deontology Versus Act Consequentialism Table of Contents Introduction Deontological Framework Utilitarian Framework Conclusion: Choosing a Better Approach References Introduction There is a fundamental difference between the Kantian theory and consequence act utilitarianism. Kants theory is a deontological framework in that it states that the morality of an action or decision is a function of the…

  • Criminal Scheme: Utilitarianism and Deontology

    Criminal Scheme: Utilitarianism and Deontology Normative ethics refers to the attempt to understand or figure out what individuals need to do or whether their moral character is reasonable. Normative ethical systems are divided into three categories which include; teleological ethics, virtue ethics and deontological ethics. Deontological and teleological ethics are considered as action based or…

  • Underweight Products and Deontological Ethics

    Underweight Products and Deontological Ethics Table of Contents Introduction Underweight products Deontological implications of the case of underweight products Application of Kants categorical imperative to the case References Introduction Business firms have the moral obligation to ensure that they deliver quality and quantity goods to their customers. However, there have been several cases about the…

  • Deontological and Utilitarian Ethical Theories

    Deontological and Utilitarian Ethical Theories The content of ethics is determined by the value categories of duty and justice. As professional ethics, marketing ethics has its own philosophical and methodological origins, which go back primarily to utilitarian theories. Ethical responsibility issues arise concerning the firms actions regarding personal and social needs, truthfulness in relationships with…

  • Adelphia Communications Scandal and Deontology

    Adelphia Communications Scandal and Deontology Table of Contents Introduction Adelphia Communications Scandal Key Ethical Problems Conjoined to Adelphias Scandal Describing Deontological Ethics Application of Deontological Ethics to Problems Applying Kant Categorical Imperative to the Problems Conclusion References Introduction In business management, ethics plays an imperative role because it purports transparency, dedication, and professionalism. Ethics suggests…

  • Utilitarianism and Deontology in Business

    Utilitarianism and Deontology in Business Table of Contents Utilitarian and Deontological Philosophy in Business The Advantages of the Utilitarian Philosophy in Business Conclusion References The question concerning the connection between law and morality remains to be discussed and argues nowadays. The law and morality can be considered as the fundamental social regulators of the behavior…

  • Weyco Inc.s Smoking Ban in Deontological Ethics

    Weyco Inc.s Smoking Ban in Deontological Ethics Table of Contents Introduction Defining Deontology Weycos Case from Deontological Perspective Works Cited Introduction The paper aims to analyze the case study of the smoking ban used in Weyco Inc. from a deontological (non-consequentialist) perspective. Deontological ethics are based on the assumption that an individuals actions are defined…

  • The Objectivity of Ethics

    The Objectivity of Ethics Objectivity of ethics is an idea that tries to provide a clear way to judge conflicts by separating fact, from subjective opinion. When culture and individual opinion is mixed in to judgement, the ability to properly evaluate a situation or problem becomes more difficult. Even though a solution is agreed upon…

  • Deontology: Ethics in Law Enforcement

    Deontology: Ethics in Law Enforcement Probably the most complex of all the ethical systems we look at here is Kantian logic, which is a deontological theory. The word deontology comes from the Greek word deon, meaning obligation or duty. It is an ethical system primarily concerned with ones duty. It is also known as ethical…

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Deontology: Analytical Essay

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Deontology: Analytical Essay Outline of Deontological Ethics The term deontology comes from the Greek word deon, duty, and logos, science. In Deontological ethics, an action is considered morally good based on the action itself. Its not based on the product of the action. Deontology ethics holds that at least some acts…