Category: Discrimination

  • Employees Retirement and Age Discrimination Laws

    Employees Retirement and Age Discrimination Laws Table of Contents Introduction Legal Viewpoint: Discussion Avoiding the Current Predicament Evaluating Correctly Conclusion References Introduction It is important to note that the case involves an HR director faced with an employee who is about to retire but wants to continue working for five more years. The problem is…

  • So Cals Water Agency: Racism, Sexual Harassment, and Retaliation

    So Cals Water Agency: Racism, Sexual Harassment, and Retaliation Business ethics presupposes that companies and organizations should promote equality and integrity of employees and other stakeholders. However, So Cals water agency has not adhered to this provision and has gone ahead to put fewer efforts into promoting employees rights and integrity. The agency has reported…

  • Price Discrimination: Principles and Applications

    Price Discrimination: Principles and Applications Table of Contents Pricing strategy Price ceiling Perfectly Competitive Market Long run average cost curves Price discrimination Mergers References Pricing strategy Price discrimination is a practice where different customers are charged different prices on goods and services that are identical. While single pricing is charging the same prices to all…

  • Employment Classification and Discrimination

    Employment Classification and Discrimination Table of Contents Introduction Employee vs. Independent Contractor Violation of Employment Discrimination Laws Ethical Considerations Associated with Rigid Dress Policy Conclusion References Introduction The case represents a good example of complex relationships among employers and employees. It also helps understand the distinction between employee and independent contractor, as well as shed…

  • Racism in the Music Video: Locked Up and Styles P

    Racism in the Music Video: Locked Up and Styles P The way in which individuals shape their social identities is coded according to the texts that the media produces for the increasingly segmented audiences along the lines of race and gender (Hall 2007, p.248). In other words, the media plays a huge role in defining…

  • Racial Profiling: Necessary Evil or Discrimination?

    Racial Profiling: Necessary Evil or Discrimination? Table of Contents Introduction Civil War Social and Economic causes of the Civil War Conclusion References Introduction The historic American Civil War occurred between the years of 1861 and1865. The United States survival as one nation was in the balance and therefore the war outcome depended fully on the…

  • Price Discrimination in Naked Economics by Wheelan

    Price Discrimination in Naked Economics by Wheelan Price is one of the most potent instruments affecting the global economy, different countries economic and social stability, as well as the life of millions of humans and even various species on the planet. Higher prices let people earn more and improve their living standards while they can…

  • Adverse Selection: Is Discrimination Warranted?

    Adverse Selection: Is Discrimination Warranted? Adverse selection is defined as a situation in which sellers of goods or services have more information than buyers (or have information that they do not have) and vice versa. The issue is especially relevant for the insurance businesses since adverse selection is usually a tendency for individuals with high-risk…

  • Discrimination of Women in Rock and Roll

    Discrimination of Women in Rock and Roll Table of Contents Background Information and Topic Description Discrimination of Women Texts by The Rolling Stones Under my Thumb by The Rolling Stones Run for your Life by The Beatles Woman is the Nigger of the World by John Lennon Key Insights Conclusion Works Cited It is worthy…

  • Discrimination in the United States

    Discrimination in the United States Gupta, Gallakota, and Srinivasan (2005) have discussed how to ensure the long-term viability of discrimination strategies. They argue that organizations in the United States can apply various mechanisms through their structures to achieve this goal. Discrimination is evident in the formal structure of an organization. According to Paludi (2012), the…