Category: Dracula

  • Female Roles In Gothic Novel Dracula

    Female Roles In Gothic Novel Dracula The novel, Dracula, by Bram Stoker is an important piece of gothic literature written to reflect on societys views on female sexuality in the Victorian Era. Published in 1897, Stoker highlights the role of women in society as purely virgin and devoted to one man in their lives. The…

  • Dracula: The Role Of Woman In The Victorian Era

    Dracula: The Role Of Woman In The Victorian Era The traditional women were willing to play the roles that the society gave them. They did not live for themselves. At the end of the 19th century, women who lived in the Victoria Era(1837-1901) gradually realized the unequal status of men and women. They started to…

  • The Novel Dracula And The New Woman

    The Novel Dracula And The New Woman Bram Stokers Dracula was written during the Victorian era, and the novel acts as a time capsule to societal beliefs and standards of the time. The encapsulation of these values can be seen in the way the novel engages with the gender roles that society presented to men…

  • Essay on Imagery in ‘Dracula’

    Essay on Imagery in ‘Dracula’ However, a mere simulacrum’s ability to divulge insatiable desire foreshadows the power of the unfamiliar to eradicate virtue, implying Ambrosio is dissatisfied, desperately seeking the untainted woman. Ambrosios fragile humanity is implicitly threatening- animalistic imagery used later in the novel depicting his demise, like Dracula, exaggerating his fall, likened to…

  • Essay on ‘Dracula’ Theme

    Essay on ‘Dracula’ Theme A continuous theme in Dracula is marriage and the gaining of status following it, starting with letters between Mina and Lucy. Their correspondence takes the reader back to the novels starting moment, giving us another angle into the lives of these characters, then tangled together with the main Gothic storyline through…

  • Homosexuality in Dracula

    Homosexuality in Dracula Introduction to Sexuality in “Dracula” In Bram Stoker’s Dracula a prominent theme is sexuality. I believe that this theme is buried throughout the whole novel with it being symbolised in many different quotes and actions of different characters. In my Dracula essay, I will demonstrate how this theme is intricately threaded into…

  • Essay on ‘Carmilla’ Vs ‘Dracula’

    Essay on ‘Carmilla’ Vs ‘Dracula’ In the 1872 novella Carmilla and the 1897 novel Dracula, both Le Fanu and Stoker bestow the treatment of women as a catalyst for exposing the dangers of gender stereotypes, to illuminate social concerns and injustices for the reader that were occurring at the time in Victorian. These injustices are…

  • Themes Of Woman And Sexuality In The Novel Dracula

    Themes Of Woman And Sexuality In The Novel Dracula Bram Stokers novel, Dracula, continues in the same way as Carmilla  a novel shows the power and the sexuality of a vampire. Vampires were created to invoke horror and terror because of its power to allure and provoke ones repressed desires (Hasanat Lecture 2). Stoker…

  • The Difference Between Good And Evil In Dracula And Frankenstein

    The Difference Between Good And Evil In Dracula And Frankenstein The difference between good and evil is shown with the difference between the women in the novel as they all have different roles. In Dracula it is shown clearly with the two characters of Mina and Lucy. The former fit the ideals of the Victorian…

  • Bram Stoker Dracula Compatibility between the Films and Book

    Bram Stoker Dracula Compatibility between the Films and Book Dracula, a novel by Bram Stroker, is currently still known for being one of the most successful novels in literary history. No other novels have been subjected to the popularity of transforming into a movie as much as Dracula (1897). The book Dracula has been made…