Category: Drama

  • Understanding of Help and Humanity in Waiting for Godot

    Understanding of Help and Humanity in Waiting for Godot VLADIMIR: [&] the best would be to take advantage of Pozzos calling for help  POZZO: Help! VLADIMIR: To help him  ESTRAGON: We help him? VLADIMIR: In anticipation of some tangible return. ESTRAGON: And suppose he  VLADIMIR: Let us not waste our time in…

  • Waiting for Godot: The Theme of the Sense of Needing to Continue

    Waiting for Godot: The Theme of the Sense of Needing to Continue Where I am, I don’t know, I’ll never know, in the silence you don’t know, you must go on, I can’t go on, I’ll go on. ( Beckett &&&..) There is no doubt that the absurd playwrights are looking for ways to discover…

  • Drama Essay on Amanda Wingfield Traits

    Drama Essay on Amanda Wingfield Traits There are 4 main characters at the beginning of the book. Their names are Tom Wingfield, Amanda Wingfield, Jim O’Connor, and Laura Wingfield. They are all blood-related and play a big part in the Glass Menagerie. Tom is the only person in the family that gets money. Tom gets…

  • Essay on ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Resistance

    Essay on ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ Resistance Throughout the novel The Handmaids Tale readers can learn the increasing limitations the patriarchy places on the female identity through the experiences of the protagonist and the first-person narration Offred delivers along with her flashbacks to the society that preceded, conveying both the initial lack of opposition in the…

  • Waiting for Godot: A Harsh View of Human Action or Simply Accuracy

    Waiting for Godot: A Harsh View of Human Action or Simply Accuracy Many question the relativity and the importance of philosophical theories and actions expressed throughout various philosophical works. Many also elude the perception of humanism. In Existentialist Philosophy (EP) by Nathan Oaklander, in the text from Albert Camus, it had stated, Men, too, secrete…

  • Waiting For Godot: Misplacement of Deja Vu

    Waiting For Godot: Misplacement of Deja Vu The distinction of clock time and subjective time is one of the themes found in Waiting For Godot. Time in the play is subject to ones mental condition. Didi and Gogos perception of time differs from other characters, as they doubt their very own concept of time. This…

  • Fences Analysis Essay

    Fences Analysis Essay Within the realms of fairy-tales and dramatic plays, characters have always been depicted as villains or heroes. Villains are conquered, while heroes are triumphant. August Wilson examines this with regards to the protagonist, Troy Maxson, in his play Fences, where a bold and bitter black man alienates those around him, cheats on…

  • Does Troy Love Rose in Fences? Essay

    Does Troy Love Rose in Fences? Essay In The Fictional Story Fences by August Wilson, I do truly believe Troy does loves Rose because he does the best he can to provide for his family and still is affectionate with her and cares about her. Troy does choose to have an affair with Alberta but…

  • The Scarlet Letter: the Blessing of Pearl

    The Scarlet Letter: the Blessing of Pearl All children bless their parents in their own unique way. Hesters only daughter Pearl continues as a true blessing in Hesters life. Hester the wearer of the Scarlet letter is punished for committing adultery with the minister. The setting in the book takes place in the 1600s Boston…

  • Theme of the Play Fences

    Theme of the Play Fences Fences Fences is a story of a black man named Troy. Most of the story tells of Troy’s experiences and how it shapes his character. The audience cannot overlook the main ideas expressed in the play. The themes include poor upbringing, racial prejudice, interpretation, and inheritance of history, and struggles…