Category: Drugs
Drug Safety Approach in Administration and Nursing
Drug Safety Approach in Administration and Nursing Introduction The safety of medicines used in the US has been a primary concern of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for more than one hundred years. It is important to assess the safety of drugs prescribed to patients to detect possible side effects, inefficiency, or danger for…
The Effectiveness of Drugs in Medicine
The Effectiveness of Drugs in Medicine Table of Contents Introduction Methadone Naltrexon Buprenorphine Gabapentine Varenicline Co-occurring Disorders References Introduction The term pharmacology refers to the science of drugs; these comprises of its composition, properties, uses and their effects on the body (Mannfred, 2003). Drugs are chemical substances made to influence the physiological and pathological state…
Illegal Drug Use in Nurses: Discussion
Illegal Drug Use in Nurses: Discussion There are several reasons why nurses are at higher risk of developing a drug addiction, which means that there is a high chance for practitioners to work in unit with nurses who illegally use drugs. Firstly, the stressful nature of nurses work contributes to the development of compassion fatigue,…
Adderall Drugs Impact on Cognitive Performance
Adderall Drugs Impact on Cognitive Performance Table of Contents Introduction How the Results support the Thesis How the Experiment solves a Major Problem in Cognitive Psychology How solving the Problem further Advances the Field How the Work relates to other Studies in the Field Potential Problems with the Study Implications of the Study on the…
Ethics of Using Experimental Drugs
Ethics of Using Experimental Drugs Experimental drugs are certain medicines not officially approved to treat specific illnesses. The use of unproven therapy might be unsafe, as the effect of such a cure is unpredictable. As a rule, doctors prescribe and document treatment that is counted in the official medical database. Indeed, incurable patients might use…
Drug Errors: Enhancing Care Quality and Safety
Drug Errors: Enhancing Care Quality and Safety Medical mistakes are one of the most common quality issues in the healthcare environment. Even though drug errors are becoming more common, they can be prevented through quality improvement measures. When a patient is under the care of a practitioner and an error occurs due to improper medication…
Patient Rights to Experimental Drugs
Patient Rights to Experimental Drugs Table of Contents Ethical Question, Theories, and Moral Principles The Principle of Informed Consent Costs and Benefits Arguments in Favor of and Against References Healthcare and medical field are critically important, and the personnel who work in these areas can affect many people in various ways. Medical research is crucial…
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) Assays
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) Assays Table of Contents Immunoassays in the Measurement of TDM Analytes Radioimmunoassays (RIA) Fluorescence Polarisation Immunoassay (FPIA) Fluorescence Energy Transfer Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay (MEIA) Particle-Enhanced Turbidimetric Inhibition Immunoassay (PETINIA) Enzyme-Multiplied Immunoassay Technique (EMIT) Cloned Enzyme Donor Immunoassay (CEDIA) Reference List Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) refers to the…
Adverse Drug Events and Nurses Awareness
Adverse Drug Events and Nurses Awareness Table of Contents Introduction Type of Study Theoretical Framework Conclusion References Introduction Adverse drug events (ADE) are associated with unplanned hospital admissions, patient dissatisfaction, a financial burden on the US healthcare system, and even high mortality rate. Jordan, Vaismoradi, and Griffiths (2016) note that even events regarded as non-life-threatening…
Escalating Drug Prices: Solution to the Problem
Escalating Drug Prices: Solution to the Problem Of all industries, the drug industry is probably the most notorious for its steep prices. Chemical substances, able to make changes to the organisms physiology, will always be in demand by the population and the government. The healthcare system relies on the supply of drugs to prescribe and…