Category: Economics 2707

  • Socioeconomic Environment in South Africa

    Socioeconomic Environment in South Africa The socioeconomic environment is how individuals and communities produce resources required to meet their human and basic needs. The socioeconomic environment includes education among people, access to medical services, and occupational status. South Africa is the chosen Geographical area because it has a diverse culture. Despite the diverse African culture,…

  • Financial Limitations in the Consumer Behavior Process

    Financial Limitations in the Consumer Behavior Process The article looks at financial limitations in the consumer behavior process. The work singles out four perspectives, such as resource scarcity, choice restriction, social comparison, and environmental uncertainty. It describes their influence on the final decision-making in conditions of scarce resources. The authors discuss how consumers manage to…

  • Cryptocurrency and Online Contribution

    Cryptocurrency and Online Contribution Table of Contents Overview Argumentation Conclusion References The chapter on cryptocurrency by Greenfield is a comprehensive source of information regarding Bitcoin and the blockchain. It provides the reader with clear and understandable insights into these pressing topics that have been bothering many people (Huumo, Ko, Choi, Park, & Smolander, 2016). The…

  • US Ethnic Housing Market Strategies and Issues

    US Ethnic Housing Market Strategies and Issues Table of Contents Opportunities and Challenges Overall Marketing Strategy for Each Segment Advertising Campaigns Training Materials References Opportunities and Challenges The opportunities and challenges which housing lenders and real estate agents face across ethnic subcultures are different. The reasons that buyers from the three ethnic groups surveyed gave…

  • Concept of the Managerial Economics

    Concept of the Managerial Economics Market structure The regression results show that the coefficient of determination is slightly above average. This implies that the model explains the demand for the product well. The elasticity for advertisement is positive. This shows that advertisement plays a slight role in the demand of the product. The two elasticties…

  • Expansionary Monetary Policy Action

    Expansionary Monetary Policy Action The article The Fed and the Great Recession describes the role of the Federal Reserve during the 2008 crisis. It focuses on the implemented monetary policy, which was expansionary in nature, and criticizes its consequences, which were ambiguous (Summer, 2016). The author believes that banks being conservative contributed to the issues,…

  • Subjective Financial Well-Being and Its Influence on Life Quality

    Subjective Financial Well-Being and Its Influence on Life Quality Introduction Financial well-being has always been a significant phenomenon because available economic resources can influence an individuals life quality. However, Brüggen, Hogreve, Holmlund, Kabadayi, and Löfgren (2017) admit that research on the topic remains insufficient, meaning that any scientific attempt to study the issue is considered…

  • Components to the Expenditures and Income Approaches to GDP

    Components to the Expenditures and Income Approaches to GDP The components of gross domestic product (GDP) include government spending, business investment, net exports of goods and services, and personal consumption expenditures. The latter is understood as one or several of the following categories: services, durable goods, and non-durable goods. As for disposable income, it is…

  • The Topic of the Floating Exchange Rate

    The Topic of the Floating Exchange Rate I think that your discussion regarding currency boards is very interesting, and has managed to successfully pinpoint the most important parts of the topic in question. While the practice of currency boards was more prevalent in the past, their current use remains limited, and not many people are…

  • Brexit and Its Economic Impact on the UK

    Brexit and Its Economic Impact on the UK Introduction Overview This chapter covers the background to the study, problem statement, research objectives, questions and the significance of the study. Background to the study In early 2013, the British Prime Minister declared that the country will vote to decide whether the country should remain or exit…