Category: Economics 2707

  • Brexit and Its Forecasted Outcomes

    Brexit and Its Forecasted Outcomes Introduction The possibility of the UK leaving the European Union or the so-called Brexit is a key source of concern for the major part of the British business world. It is assumed that the potential changes in the trade relations with the EU, as well as the uncertainty associated with…

  • Strikes and Disputes Resolutions

    Strikes and Disputes Resolutions Today, one of the most important questions in the modern economy is the governments ability to resolve conflicts and disputes in the labor field. Labor disputes often lead to strikes and riots, and it is in the governments best interests to resolve them in the beginning, while not much damage is…

  • The Yield of a New Bond Issue

    The Yield of a New Bond Issue In general, a bond prospectus refers to the additional data associated with the bond issue. This information primarily concerns interest payments, call provisions, credit quality, and time to maturity  which constitute essential knowledge for investors (Jark, 2021). At the same time, a bond prospectus might also include…

  • Latest Real GDP Analysis of the USA

    Latest Real GDP Analysis of the USA The term GDP is used when assessing the economic state of the market at the global level or in an individual state. The concept appeared in 1934, and it was proposed to use the American economist Simon Smith. The value of GDP is reflected in national or foreign…

  • International Monetary Funds Conditionalities and Neoliberal Measures in Argentina

    International Monetary Funds Conditionalities and Neoliberal Measures in Argentina Introduction It is known that any countrys economy can be influenced by both external and internal factors, which can be beneficial, or on the opposite, deteriorative ones, in a particular situation. At the end of 2001, Argentina was in an economic crisis because of the partial…

  • Gross Domestic Product and Its Alternatives

    Gross Domestic Product and Its Alternatives Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is considered an indicator of the overall economic wellbeing of the country. It should give a representation of the general welfare of the nation as the higher the level of production, the higher the countrys well-being. However, GDP does not reflect the social state of…

  • Raising the National Minimum Wages

    Raising the National Minimum Wages Table of Contents Introduction Presenting the Argument in Support of Wages Increase Evaluating the Supporting Arguments Source Presenting the Argument against the Elevation of Salaries Evaluating the Opposing Arguments Source Comparison of Arguments in Non-Scholarly and Scholarly Sources Conclusion References Introduction The notion of raising national minimum wages is an…

  • Crude Oil Price and Impacting Factors

    Crude Oil Price and Impacting Factors Introduction Crude oil is a critical commodity in the modern industrial world. It is one of the most actively traded resources in the global market. The extent and volume of such commerce have their impacts on the international community, forming a reciprocal connection that both regulates and can be…

  • International Economics: Causes, Consequences and Future

    International Economics: Causes, Consequences and Future Table of Contents Monetary and Fiscal policy Financial Crisis U.S Export Subsidies Resource Mobility Russia Globalization Works Cited Monetary and Fiscal policy Monetary and fiscal policies are policies of the central bank and the government. The policies are utilized by the two organs for maintaining economic stability in the…

  • Risk, Return, and Capital Asset Pricing Model

    Risk, Return, and Capital Asset Pricing Model Introduction The present report was commissioned by the CEO of SysConsult International. The purpose of the report is to analyse the possibility of investment in Logical IT and Safeworth Grocery. The analysis assumes that a one-year Treasury note will have a rate of return of 5% over the…