Category: Economics 2707

  • Economic Efficiency and Principles

    Economic Efficiency and Principles How economics would approach the problem of alcohol abuse Drug abuse is a problem that faces most countries. Various groups of people have suggested a number of ways to resolve the problem. Examples of ways that can be used to solve the problem of alcohol abuse are scientific, social, medical, and…

  • The Possible Future of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency

    The Possible Future of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Introduction The enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto initially introduced Bitcoin nearly ten years ago, and since then, it has survived many attention and value bubbles. It was invented, revised, and reused after a contentious revision. Although Bitcoin has not proven to be a practical form of money in most situations, it…

  • The Profitability and Investor Ratios

    The Profitability and Investor Ratios The Significant Trends for the Companys Investor Ratios It is known that there are many financial ratios intended to provide an insight into a companys performance with different purposes. For instance, profitability ratios are often analyzed by investors who decide to buy a companys stock or not. In this case,…

  • Canadian Housing Market from 1990 to 2015

    Canadian Housing Market from 1990 to 2015 Table of Contents Introduction Housing Starts Housing Completions Dwellings under Construction Market Absorption Comparative Analysis of Data Conclusion References Introduction The housing market of Canada is managed and governed by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. It provides up-to-date and reliable reports, which help monitor the Canadian housing…

  • Estate Planning and Trusts for Businesses

    Estate Planning and Trusts for Businesses Estate Planning Minimizing Tax Liability One of the main benefits of estate planning for businesses is the possibility of reducing tax liability. If an owner fails to account for these expenses before death, the firm may suffer a significant financial loss in the form of estate tax (Herzberg &…

  • Treasury Bills and Treasury Notes

    Treasury Bills and Treasury Notes The modern world economy offers a wide range of tools for investment. All of them have individual characteristics and have their features. When making a choice between investing in Treasury bills or Treasury notes, I would choose favor of bills. Undoubtedly, both types of investments can be convenient in their…

  • Knowledge of Budgeting in Government

    Knowledge of Budgeting in Government Table of Contents Public budgeting leader in the public sector Can budgetary decision-making be rational? The line-item objective of expenditure budget structure Works Cited Public budgeting leader in the public sector An effective public budgeting leader focuses on achieving particular goals and meeting certain groups needs. To be an effective…

  • Methodologies of Mitigating the Agency Problem

    Methodologies of Mitigating the Agency Problem A dispute of interest exists in any connection in which one person is expected to work for the good of the other. In financial analysis, agency issues are normally defined as potential conflicts between the administration and shareholders. The administrator, acting as a representative for the stakeholders, or founders,…

  • Gross Domestic Product Uses and Limitations

    Gross Domestic Product Uses and Limitations Table of Contents Uses Limitations of GDP Relationship between economic well-being and social well-being References Uses Gross domestic product (GDP) is the sum worth of goods and services created in a country over a given period. It is calculated by summing the value of goods and services produced for…

  • Economics and Financial Issues

    Economics and Financial Issues The financial analysis determines the most effective ways to maintain or increase the enterprises profitability. The main tasks are to analyze the profitability and assess the companys risks. Financial ratio analysis allows the managers to understand the organizations competitive position at the current time. One of the sources of required data…