Category: Economics 2707

  • The United States and Chinas Gross Domestic Product

    The United States and Chinas Gross Domestic Product For every countrys economy to be successful, there are some factors that are rather crucial. One of them is the gross domestic product, or GDP, that influences any countrys welfare and prosperity. The purpose of this paper is to provide the gross domestic product figures of the…

  • Compensation Plans for CEOs in North Americas Private Sector

    Compensation Plans for CEOs in North Americas Private Sector Introduction Organizational leaders and chief executive officers (CEOs) are some of the key employees whose performances contribute to the success of their respective companies. Shareholders always expect such managers to use their abilities to move the targeted firms to the next level and make them profitable.…

  • The Flaws of Neoliberalism

    The Flaws of Neoliberalism Neoliberal ideas have emerged to be the leading political, economic, and social paradigm in modern American society. Many scholars examine the effects of this system on the different manifestations of life (Foer, 2017; Fukuyama, 2016; Gray, 2011). The theoretical framework of neoliberalism does not coincide with the practices it utilizes and…

  • Regulations Helping the United States Economy From 1865 to the 1930s

    Regulations Helping the United States Economy From 1865 to the 1930s Table of Contents Introduction Four Examples Opposing View Legacy and Impact Today Sources Introduction The period from 1865 to the 1930s included a variety of processes in the countrys economy, which the government tried to control. The commonly accepted principle of non-interference started to…

  • Definitions of Primary and Secondary Markets

    Definitions of Primary and Secondary Markets The notion of market stands for a complex interrelation between various systems, procedures, infrastructures, and social phenomena that contribute to the systematization of goods and services exchanged in certain conditions. The exchange within a market may rely either on the exchange of goods and services by barter, i.e., in…

  • Primary vs. Secondary Markets Differences

    Primary vs. Secondary Markets Differences Primary and Secondary Markets When it comes to financial activities, it is necessary to understand the difference between primary and secondary markets. They are distinct phenomena, and traders, investors, and other stakeholders should know how they vary. Primary and secondary markets are different according to their overall purpose, mechanics, and…

  • Opinion on Protectionism

    Opinion on Protectionism In my vision, protectionism cannot be undertaken in all cases; however, there might be a situation when I would be in favor of adding tariffs to imports. At times, foreign production starts permanently substituting domestic supply and hindering the distribution and development of internal products. It usually happens due to the high…

  • US Housing Bubble Burst in 2006-2008 and Now

    US Housing Bubble Burst in 2006-2008 and Now The U.S. housing bubble burst was a famous economic event that affected more than half of the states in the country during the beginning of the 2000s. It was characterized by housing prices being considerably changed in several years: an evident peak in 2006, a sudden decline…

  • Banks and Their Influence on the Economy

    Banks and Their Influence on the Economy Banks are the leading financial intermediary in the economy because they accept deposits by attracting depositors money, i.e., accumulating temporarily free funds. Moreover, banks provide money at a certain percentage to various economic firms, households, etc., i.e., they issue loans. The activity of banks is the channel through…

  • Stock Analysis and Portfolio Balancing

    Stock Analysis and Portfolio Balancing Calculating the Risk and Interconnection with Market Investment Risk: The Reason for Comparison between the Company and the Index Despite the considerable number of shares valuation methods, the comparative approach is one of the most widespread. Many analysts consider the parallel share and index analysis as an effective one since…