Category: Emergency Department
Pressure Ulcer Treatment in Emergency Department
Pressure Ulcer Treatment in Emergency Department Table of Contents Definition Epidemiology Clinical Presentation Complications Diagnosis Conclusion References The risk of developing pressure ulcers both in intensive care units and in usual hospital settings predetermined the need to find solutions to this nursing problem. The possibilities of modern medicine make it possible to competently approach the…
Emergency Room Treatment for Patients With Stroke
Emergency Room Treatment for Patients With Stroke Learning Objectives To discuss the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and differential diagnosis of the disorder (stroke). To delineate the diagnostic criteria and management approaches for the disease. To present the emergency room guideline for relevant treatment of patients diagnosed with a stroke. To present a review of three current…
The Use of Protocols for Pressure Ulcers in Emergency Departments
The Use of Protocols for Pressure Ulcers in Emergency Departments Introduction In the modern world, the development of pressure or decubitus ulcers is among the key skin problems faced by patients in different departments whose opportunities to stay physically active are limited. Many hospitals in the country develop their own guidelines and protocols to avoid…
Pressure Ulcer Protocol in the Emergency Department
Pressure Ulcer Protocol in the Emergency Department PICOT Question In patients that are identified as high risk for developing a pressure ulcer (P), does the implementation of a pressure ulcer protocol initiated in the emergency department (I) as compared to patients who receive usual care (C), reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (O) on…