Category: Employee Benefits

  • Employee Motivation: Finding Effective Methods

    Employee Motivation: Finding Effective Methods Employee motivation is a critical component in the workplace. However, this is not the most straightforward aspect to perform, as it has several challenges. This is due to the need for an individual approach to the organizations personnel and a thorough understanding of their desires and needs. Bringing a successful…

  • As Work Changed in 2021, Employee Pay and Benefits Stepped Up by Miller

    As Work Changed in 2021, Employee Pay and Benefits Stepped Up by Miller The article discusses how the workplace has changed due to the pandemic and how employers have responded by offering more flexible pay and benefits. Employers have had to adjust to the new normal by offering more flexible work arrangements, such as remote…

  • Corkely & Finn: Employees Motivation

    Corkely & Finn: Employees Motivation Introduction Corkery & Finn a regional investment brokerage house has been extremely profitable but the company has decided to expand its operations and open overseas branches. At first the company starts to work in cooperation with other local brokerages and the company believes that within five years it will gain…

  • Employee Motivation: Service Quality in Higher Education Institutions

    Employee Motivation: Service Quality in Higher Education Institutions Introduction Employee motivation is critical to ensuring that employees accomplish their work satisfactorily, achieving organizational goals. This presentation suggests five strategies for motivating employees of various races, faiths, ages, and genders. The techniques used are based on Maslows and Herzbergs motivation theories. The presentation discusses what employees…

  • Discretion Benefits: Employees Management

    Discretion Benefits: Employees Management Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Discretion benefits are benefits the employer is not required to provide employees. Notwithstanding their optionality, most companies provide them, because their presence attracts the most competent employees, increasing their involvement and productivity (Aruldoss et al., 2021). Employees often choose the company that offers…

  • Organizational Behavior and Motivation Scheme of an Employee

    Organizational Behavior and Motivation Scheme of an Employee The subject of the present study is the way organizational behavior is influenced by the issue of payment and what role payment plays in the whole motivation scheme of an employee. The question is discussed on the example of the company Norsk Petroleum that faced a problem…

  • Employee Training and Its Benefit to the Organization

    Employee Training and Its Benefit to the Organization Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Motivation and engagement are vital issues that I face in my work as a supervisor, and I think that this largely depends on the type of training that a company provides to its employees. Training of employees is the process that requires…

  • Employee Compensation and Benefits Package

    Employee Compensation and Benefits Package Table of Contents Introduction Overview of the Compensation and Benefits Package Exempt vs. Nonexempt Other Benefits Government Regulations Packages Provided by Similar Companies HR Strategy Conclusion References Introduction In this paper, a comprehensive employee compensation and benefits package will be developed. The package is for a secretary who will work…

  • Organizational Behavior Motivation of Employees

    Organizational Behavior Motivation of Employees Table of Contents Problem statement Herzbergs motivation theory Definition of temporary employee Research Questions Dependent Variable Independent Variable Conclusion References Motivation is the enthusiasm to apply high levels of effort towards the goals of an organization, trained by the skill to satisfy an employees needs. In most organizations, the management…

  • Key Employee Benefits in the Healthcare Sector

    Key Employee Benefits in the Healthcare Sector Besides remuneration and health cover, firms can offer a wide variety of benefits depending on the sector, availability of resources, the needs of employees, and the creativity of the employer. These benefits include paid holidays, sponsored marriage anniversary or birthday parties, gym/club membership, tickets to special events, car…