Category: Energy

  • Energy Mix in the United States

    Energy Mix in the United States U.S. Energy Mix The Historical Energy Mix In 1950, most of the energy was produced from coal (13.3 quadrillion British energy units) and petroleum (13.3 quadrillion). Natural gas had a smaller share (6 quadrillion) and an even smaller share the hydroelectric power (3 quadrillion) (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2022).…

  • Nuclear Energy: Advantages and Drawbacks

    Nuclear Energy: Advantages and Drawbacks Introduction Energy is an invaluable resource that satisfies peoples basic needs and brings convenience and comfort in life. Unfortunately, its consumption has strained natural resources, consequently causing an energy crisis. The world needs to scale up cleaner energy resources to reduce harmful emissions, and nuclear energy provides the solution to…

  • The Future of Jamaicas Energy Development

    The Future of Jamaicas Energy Development Summary At the moment, the energy sector and its infrastructure in Jamaica are not planned for the long term. The new strategy proposes to consider changes in energy consumption over the next 20 years. Capacities will be created to enable the transmission of large amounts of energy. This will…

  • Energy Sustainability and Its Key Issues

    Energy Sustainability and Its Key Issues Energy sustainability is becoming the most urgent socio-environmental problem, among other aspects of energy development. Almost 80% of the worlds energy production depends on fossil fuels, which leave a deep imprint on the environment (Ghobakhloo & Fathi, 2021). Consequently, energy systems need a lot of theoretical and practical understanding…

  • Energy Management: Key Components

    Energy Management: Key Components Table of Contents Introduction Internal Focus External Focus Force Field Analysis Power Usage Efficiency and the Evaluation of Data Centers Energy Consumption by Data Centers Conclusion References Introduction Data centers consume a significant share of energy produced globally. With the growing demand for services, the number and scale of data centers…

  • Sustainability of Energy Alternatives

    Sustainability of Energy Alternatives Table of Contents Introduction Solar Power Wind Power Hydropower Renewability and Sustainability References Introduction With growing concerns and evidence of global warming and the effects of climate change, significant attention has been shifted to alternative energy sources. These renewable sources of energy, the most well-known of which are solar, wind, and…

  • Saving Energy in a Restaurant Enterprise

    Saving Energy in a Restaurant Enterprise Table of Contents Abstract Eco-Friendly Design Recycling Material Reduced Waste Reference Abstract Reducing environmental damage and, in general, using eco-friendly innovations has to keep pace with energy saving practices, therefore, these are perceived in conjunction. Equipping any enterprise in such a way as to cause damage to the environment…

  • Current Energy Crisis in Beirut, Lebanon

    Current Energy Crisis in Beirut, Lebanon Lebanon is currently facing one of its worst energy crises due to frequent power outages in its capital, Beirut. An acute energy crunch aggravates problems, causing many households to struggle with long power cuts. Some regions in the country experience severe blackouts for up to 23 hours daily. This…

  • Human Energy Consumption and Water Power

    Human Energy Consumption and Water Power Environmental problems and energy are closely related topics in that consuming energy without a significant impact on the surroundings is impossible. Humans primarily consume energy for various purposes, such as heating, lighting, air conditioning, and cooling. The natural flow of energy is determined by the equilibrium set on incoming…

  • Extreme Scenarios: The Issue of Energy Resources Shortage

    Extreme Scenarios: The Issue of Energy Resources Shortage Table of Contents Introduction Overview of the Problem Solution Counterargument and Refutation Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Imagine that you cannot use electricity or get fuel for your car because these energy resources are no longer available. Your home has no power, and the lights, television, and the…