Category: Entertainment & Media 1830

  • The Tillman Story Documentary by Amir Bar-Lev

    The Tillman Story Documentary by Amir Bar-Lev Table of Contents Introduction The Tillman Story Conclusion Reference Introduction The Tillman Story is a 2010 documentary and drama movie directed by Amir Bar-Lev. This is a heartbreaking, inspiring, and truth-revealing film about the U.S. governments and armys conspiracy and attempts to bury the appalling errors that led…

  • The Together-As-One Community Event

    The Together-As-One Community Event The Sundance Festival, the most prominent independent cinema event in the United States, presents both domestic and foreign autonomous creators and takes place annually. Each year, two of the best American football sides face off in the Super Bowl in front of a vast crowd, and it is as American as…

  • Classical Conditioning in the Axe Commercial

    Classical Conditioning in the Axe Commercial Classical conditioning is a powerful instrument to make specific associations in the human brain. In marketing and advertising, it is used to create positive associations with a product or service. As a result, people may find purchasing such products more attractive. In the recent advertisement The New Axe Effect,…

  • Sexuality in Playboy: Factors and Interpretations

    Sexuality in Playboy: Factors and Interpretations Introduction In contemporary society, the expression of sexuality is viewed by antagonistic feminists as the pinnacle of moral decay. However, irrespective of the stand, both the protagonists and antagonists share the same view that human beings have had a deep interest in pornographic material in the image of sex.…

  • British Ads in Soft-Soaping Empire by McClintock

    British Ads in Soft-Soaping Empire by McClintock In the publication Soft-Soaping Empire: Commodity Racism and Imperial Advertising, McClintock examined the concept of soap as a historical agent that modified the elements of British culture and contributed to its unity (208). I believe that viewing soap as a symbol of monogamy, Christianity, and industrial capital was…

  • The Queen of Sheba: Behind the Myth Documentary

    The Queen of Sheba: Behind the Myth Documentary The Queen of Sheba is a mysterious and powerful female in numerous stories and myths. She is depicted in the sacred texts of ancient world cultures and religions. The Queen has had a profound but mystical presence in the regional folklore. However, the origin and sources of…

  • The Poor Kids Video by Frontline

    The Poor Kids Video by Frontline Nowadays, many people suffer from poverty and cannot allow themselves to live in appropriate conditions all the time. They may earn big money, lose everything within the next day, and become homeless in a week. Such an idea becomes more terrible when poverty touches upon the lives of little…

  • The Issue of Media Deregulation and Regulation

    The Issue of Media Deregulation and Regulation Many media industries have been subject to waves of regulation and deregulation over their histories. The internet has complicated the issue, as it is global in scope and does not necessarily obey national borders. Choose a specific media industry and develop an argument in relation to how the…

  • Angela Whitikers Climb by Isabel Wilkerson

    Angela Whitikers Climb by Isabel Wilkerson Factors which Helped Whitiker Escape Poverty and Moved up Middle-Class Angela Whitikers climb is a June 12, 2005 publication in The New York Times and has been authored by Isabel Wilkerson. The article describes the life of a woman who rose from a class of poverty to a middle…

  • Freelance Writing: Quality vs. Quantity

    Freelance Writing: Quality vs. Quantity Which is better in the world of freelancing, quality, or quantity? They both have value; however, depending on the freelance writers preference for the work environment, one may suit his or her writing style better than the other. To answer this question, this article will consider the different types of…