Category: Family Law

  • Surrogacy within Family Law

    Surrogacy within Family Law The advancements in birth technology has irreversibly changed the discourse regarding families, for this reason the Australian Legal system must be responsive to these changes, in order to achieve just outcomes for family members and society Through analysing the legal and non-legal responses surrounding birth technology such as IVF and Sperm…

  • Features Of Scottish Family Law

    Features Of Scottish Family Law There are two famous legal system existed in the world. Roman law which is functioning in European countries and the common law known as English common law. Therefore, Scotland has a mixed or hybrid legal system which is derived from both Roman law and the Common law. It is suggested…

  • Family Law In African Jurisprudence

    Family Law In African Jurisprudence Introduction When we speak of sources of law, it is essential to mention custom. This is due to its peculiarity, as unlike other sources of law. Which are in a form imposed on the populace, the custom is a totality of what the people generally as having the effect of…

  • Expanding The Recognition Of Family Relationships Through Law

    Expanding The Recognition Of Family Relationships Through Law Early family law recognized traditional families as consisting of a married man and women who biologically conceive a child naturally. As time progressed, different social revolutions and technological advancements influenced society to expand their perception of what qualifies as a family. As a result of these adjustments,…

  • The Aspects Of Family Law

    The Aspects Of Family Law Family law is a fascinating area of study. It seeks to impose order on the chaos of peoples intimate lives (Herring, 2014). The area of study deals with relatively broad practice of issues that relate with marriage life and blood relations. Family law focuses on issues such as, adoption, divorce,…

  • International Family Law And Litigation

    International Family Law And Litigation International relationship breakdown and separation have represented critical challenges for Australian international family law. The increase in family dispute means more women fall victim, and it seem that there is very little protection or appropriate legal protection for the victims. Without a doubt Family law is different in each country,…

  • Family Law And Constitution

    Family Law And Constitution Each and every country has its own set of rules regarded as constitution. Family law is just one of the arms of constitution focusing on family relationships. Adoption of children, divorce and support of children among others, form the definitions of this law. Specialized personnel such as judges, attorneys and lawyers,…

  • Family Law in Australia: Society Work and Surrogacy

    Family Law in Australia: Society Work and Surrogacy Part A: Essay questions 1. In what way is the dissenting view of LHeureux-Dubé J in Re Attorney-General of Canada v Mossop (1993) 100 DLR 4th 658 relevant to the way family law and society work? In Re Attorney-General of Canada V Mossop, Brian Mossop sort a…

  • The Peculiarities Of Islamic Family Law

    The Peculiarities Of Islamic Family Law Introduction Islam is a perfect religion governing all the principles that is required in the human life till the very end of the world. It was sent down by Allah Subhanahu wa taaala through His messenger and prophet Muhammad (ú) and preserved by Him in the form of Quran…