Category: Forecasting

  • Citizens Gas Companys Demand Forecast

    Citizens Gas Companys Demand Forecast Table of Contents Gas demand forecast: criteria that must be considered The major data items that should be incorporated into the system The importance of data items The level of detail Reference List Footnotes Gas demand forecast: criteria that must be considered The designer, who will develop a new system…

  • Strategic Importance of Forecasting

    Strategic Importance of Forecasting Table of Contents Introduction Summary References Introduction Forecasting refers to the method of being able to predict what is going to happen in the future, and in business, the future is narrowly defined by the existing economic conditions. When organizations want to develop a forecast associated with their immediate performance, they…

  • Forecasting in Pharmaceutical Industry Using Artificial Intelligence: Current and Future Aspects

    Forecasting in Pharmaceutical Industry Using Artificial Intelligence: Current and Future Aspects Abstract: Forecasting The term broadly refers to the process of prediction as per the customers demand based on the huge historical sales data in the pharmaceutics industry. The aim of forecasting help to understand the market value and enable to predict the optimum level…

  • Need of Sales Forecasting within the Company: Analytical Essay

    Need of Sales Forecasting within the Company: Analytical Essay Forecasting is nothing but predictions and hence closely related with the information flow of a supply chain. In this chapter, we will discuss the information flow in a supply chain from different perspectives like information sharing with channel partners, different obstacles in sharing information and bullwhip…

  • Forecasting in Supply Chain and Demand Management: Review of Literature

    Forecasting in Supply Chain and Demand Management: Review of Literature Review of Literature This section explores selected journal articles in relation to the research objectives outlined in the introductory part of the research paper. The articles are critically reviewed to determine the key components and factors in forecasting, the forecasting techniques and models discussed, proposed…

  • Ways to Make Sales Forecasting More Accurate: Argumentative Essay

    Ways to Make Sales Forecasting More Accurate: Argumentative Essay Abstract This paper explores seven published articles that talk about the importance of making an accurate Sales Forecasting. This paper will answer how Sales Forecasting helps business people or others because it tells the seller the future trends of what people in general like, and the…

  • A Comparative Evaluation of Monthly Electricity: Consumption Forecasting in Sri Lanka

    A Comparative Evaluation of Monthly Electricity: Consumption Forecasting in Sri Lanka Abstract Sri Lanka as a developing country, over 98% households have been electrified and it is crucial to plan for future electricity demand in order to match the demand with supply. This study aims at forecasting monthly electricity consumption in Sri Lanka and explores…

  • Comparative Study on Soft Computing Approach in Weather Forecasting: Analytical Essay

    Comparative Study on Soft Computing Approach in Weather Forecasting: Analytical Essay Abstract– In a developing country, like India where the agriculture & industries are base for the national economy, the weather conditions play leading role for their proper development and smooth running. Therefore having accurate weather forecasting information may allow farmers or industry managers to…