Category: German

  • The Significance of Impersonal Factors in Determining the Origins of the First World War

    The Significance of Impersonal Factors in Determining the Origins of the First World War World War I resulted from an unsettlement in the international system that began in the 1870s, when the German Empire was created after France lost the Franco-Prussian War. The power that Germany achieved was sustained through a series of alliances (whose…

  • Was German Unification Inevitable? Essay

    Was German Unification Inevitable? Essay Introduction German Unification was one of the seminal events in modern history. It has impacted and been instrumental in both world wars, the later half of the twentieth century, acting as a microcosm of the Cold War (ironically through its partition) and into the modern day, as the leading country…

  • Economic Implications of World War II

    Economic Implications of World War II One of the deadliest and transformative events was The Second World War with 39 million of dead war on Europe alone. Large amount of facilities and infrastructure were destructed for about six years of ground battles and bombing. Many were even forced to evacuate without the assurance of where…

  • Positive and Negative Effects of World War 2

    Positive and Negative Effects of World War 2 There are not many positives in war. People die. Its easy to get caught up in the belief that we are right and everyone else is wrong. Leaders can be convincing and this appears to have been a problem for the German people. They wanted to be…

  • World War I: A Catalyst for Artistic Progress

    World War I: A Catalyst for Artistic Progress A self-portrait tells much more than just the condition of its artist. It gives us insight into the state of the society in which they live and their relationship to the conditions of the time. In the Neue Galleries exhibition The Self Portrait from Shiele to Beckman,…

  • Was World War 2 Inevitable? Essay

    Was World War 2 Inevitable? Essay Post-world war two was marked by a new beginning, which brought about a new era. Europe and Asia had been reduced to ruined nations. Many of the borders had taken back their expulsions, homecomings, and all the burials taking place at the time (Shoshkes 20). The concerned nations had…

  • Essay on Push and Pull Factors of German Immigration

    Essay on Push and Pull Factors of German Immigration Germany and its immigration policy It’s just obvious you can’t have free immigration and a welfare state. (Milton Friedman) Nowadays, there are about 272 Million migrants worldwide according to the official statistics made by the United Nations. After World War II Germany together with France and…