Category: Gun Violence

  • Guns Dont Kill People, People Do

    Guns Dont Kill People, People Do What is violence? The definition of violence is behavior involving mental or physical force intended to hurt, damage, or destroy someone or something. There are many beliefs as to why man is violent. One belief is that man is born violent and knows no other way. Another being that…

  • The Interrelation Of Public Health And Gun Violence

    The Interrelation Of Public Health And Gun Violence Gun violence is not something that appears just in a bad neighborhood or in another part of the world. It appears right here, right outside your door. (Mendell, 1998,) This large world we exist in, presently there is gun violence right outside our own front doors. Gun…

  • Narrative Essay on Trauma

    Narrative Essay on Trauma More than fifty-eight percent of Americans, both old and young, have experienced trauma related to gun violence. Firearms kill more people in the US as compared to the other nations of the world. Just as more people are killed, many of them also survive gunshot wounds. This violence may affect the…

  • Is Gun Violence a Social Justice Issue: Analytical Essay

    Is Gun Violence a Social Justice Issue: Analytical Essay Introduction: Gun violence has become a pressing concern in many societies, raising important questions about its implications for social justice. This analytical essay aims to explore the complex relationship between gun violence and social justice. By examining the unequal distribution of gun violence, its impact on…

  • The Problem of the Development of Gun Culture in the American Society

    The Problem of the Development of Gun Culture in the American Society Todays media highlights current news events that are controversial while also imposing their personal bias of the event. This influences the audience’s behavior by significantly increasing the rate of public conversation on these topics. Public conversation and controversy can initiate social movements like…

  • Opinion: Gun Violence, Campus Carry, and Solutions

    Opinion: Gun Violence, Campus Carry, and Solutions After I formulated a thesis for this paper, there were two shootings within twenty four hours of each other. Previously, I was supportive of the gun ban, but now I am sure that banning firearms would not solve the true issues at the root of this pandemic. The…

  • Mental Illness and Gun Violence Essay

    Mental Illness and Gun Violence Essay Abstract This paper will examine the issues of gun violence and the necessary processes to reduce gun violence in the United States. A main issue is the necessity to have and own automatic and semi-automatic rifles as they serve no purpose. Another concern is mental illnesses and disorders as…

  • Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: Critical Essay

    Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting: Critical Essay In 2022 so far, there have been 27 school shootings and over 200 general mass shootings in America, and it is only May. America’s numbers are greater than any other country when it comes to deaths from gun violence. Included in that, is the number of school shootings…

  • Florida School Shooting: Synthesis Essay

    Florida School Shooting: Synthesis Essay On February 14th, 2018 at approximately 2:23 pm, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School became the victim of a mass shooting caused by a 19-year-old gunman, Nikolas Cruz. Cruz opened fire, with an AR-15 rifle, between the hours of 2:21-2:27 pm when he decided to pull the fire alarm causing everyone…

  • School Shooting: Thesis Statement

    School Shooting: Thesis Statement Thesis: By strengthening gun laws and improving school security, mass school shootings would become minimal and we would not have as many across the nation. I. Have you ever asked yourself when this would stop, or how many more innocent children would have to die in order for something to change?…