Category: Health & Medicine 13691
The Trends for Cervical Ripening& by Chodankar
The Trends for Cervical Ripening& by Chodankar The article An overview of the past, current and future trends for cervical ripening in induction of labour by Chodankar, Sood, and Gupta sought to discuss the benefits and risks of pharmacological and mechanical methods of labor induction (Chodankar, Sood & Gupta, 2017). The authors used a methodology…
The Nurse-to-Patient Staffing Ratio Policies
The Nurse-to-Patient Staffing Ratio Policies Table of Contents Expected Outcome for the Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal Data Collection Tools Associated with the Research Design Statistical Test for the Project Methods to Apply to Data Collection Tool Strategies Applicable if Results are Uncertain Plans After Implementation References The nurse-to-patient staffing ratio is a critical subject for…
Cor Pulmonale: Etiology, Symptoms, Diagnostics, Treatment
Cor Pulmonale: Etiology, Symptoms, Diagnostics, Treatment Table of Contents Cor Pulmonale Etiology Symptoms Diagnostics Treatment References Cor Pulmonale Cor pulmonale is a cardiac ailment in which the right side of the heart fails. Long-term elevated blood pressure in the lungs arteries and the hearts right ventricle can result in cor pulmonale (Penn Medicine, n.d.). Right-sided…
Basic Procedure Coding Systems
Basic Procedure Coding Systems Coding procedures are an indispensable part of the work of anesthesiologists-practitioners. Codes are used to mark the duration and type of procedure, which will then be forwarded to the insurance company. In this paper, I would like to review two scenarios for anesthesiology procedures and recommend their coding. Consider the first…
Synopsis of Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Special Issue Article
Synopsis of Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Special Issue Article The concept of how biological compounds influence the health status of an individual is intriguing for research. For instance, how assimilated substrates such as glucose and amino acids induce obesity and other metabolic disorders make in-depth knowledge of nutritional biochemistry important. The articles topic captivates attention…
Sublingual Immunotherapy Analysis
Sublingual Immunotherapy Analysis Allergies are treated in various different ways and sublingual immunotherapy is one of them. The exact way the sublingual immunotherapy works is not yet known but evidence show that it activates action of cells. Administration of SLIT induces secretion of interleukins by sublingual cells. At the same time, Dendritic cells present antigens…
Decreased Visual Functioning Among the Elderly
Decreased Visual Functioning Among the Elderly Table of Contents Glaucoma Cataract Age-Related Macular degeneration (AMD) References Vision loss is a common health care problem among the elderly in different countries. Research shows that one in every three individuals aged 65 years and above may be experiencing visual loss. The aim of the paper is to…
How We Can Fight Sickle Cell as Black People
How We Can Fight Sickle Cell as Black People Although sickle cell is not a common disease, it affects many people of African descent. It affects the Red Blood Cells (RBC). There is not much information on the disease and how to cure it, which results in many sickle cell patients being left to live…
Sources for Patients With Increased Blood Pressure
Sources for Patients With Increased Blood Pressure Table of Contents Introduction American Heart Association National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Vulnerably Population Conclusion References Introduction High blood pressure is a fairly common health problem in the modern population. This makes it essential to spread awareness about what serious…
Pressure Ulcers Prevention Strategies
Pressure Ulcers Prevention Strategies Table of Contents Introduction Strategies Results Conclusion References Introduction Pressure ulcers often affect patients who sit in wheelchairs or are confined in beds for prolonged periods of time. Researchers point out that while multiple people can be affected by this issue, it is preventable if the necessary measures are applied to…