Category: Heritage

  • Indigenous Cultures: Issue of Heritage & Ownership

    Indigenous Cultures: Issue of Heritage & Ownership Introduction Indigenous people, also known as First people or Aboriginal people, are the first owners or caretakers of a certain area, region, or even a continent. They inhabited the place before it was discovered, occupied, or colonized by other nations. One may readily imagine that intrusion does not…

  • People of Haitian and Iranian Heritage

    People of Haitian and Iranian Heritage Introduction To provide high-quality care, health professionals should be aware of the peculiarities that the patient has. These peculiarities include the patients family history as well as the background that comprises the cultural peculiarities of the patient. Since different ethnicities have their health care beliefs that have been formed…

  • Native American and Cherokee Heritage Populations

    Native American and Cherokee Heritage Populations Cultural Group: Native American History and Language Were native to North American continent; Were discovered by Europeans: 15th century; Lived in tribes with own hierarchies; Speak multiple languages depending tribe belonging; Were oppressed and put in reservations. Norms Have unique belief systems and traditions; Family is seen as cornerstone…

  • European American Jewish Heritage Presentation

    European American Jewish Heritage Presentation Table of Contents Introduction Language and communication pattern Art and other expressive forms Norms and rules Lifestyle characteristics Relationship patterns Common rituals Degree of assimilation or marginalization from mainstream society Health behaviors and practices References Introduction European American Jews originated from Eastern Europe. Mass immigration of the Jews from Europe…

  • Russian Immigrant Heritage Consistency and Acculturation Evaluation

    Russian Immigrant Heritage Consistency and Acculturation Evaluation Abstract Cultural identity is the most significant thing that differentiates one person from another. Culture is of great significance for all people as far as it predetermines moral values, beliefs, the way of life, and the perception of the world. The term heritage consistency is used to describe…

  • The Legacy of the Gold Standard as a Medium of Exchange

    The Legacy of the Gold Standard as a Medium of Exchange Introduction An economy that adheres to the gold standard accepts countries currencies value to be directly linked with the gold reserves that a country holds. Paper money or notes were converted into a certain fixed amount of gold, and therefore those countries that were…

  • The Museum of Western Heritage: Visit Experience

    The Museum of Western Heritage: Visit Experience Visiting museums may be very beneficial for enlivening a lot of important things related to historical matters in ones mind. From time to time, when I have a chance to visit this or that museum, I find it very interesting and even inspiring. It helps me to put…