Category: Hobby

  • Compare And Contrast Of Two Different Hobbies

    Compare And Contrast Of Two Different Hobbies A hobby is an activity that we are interested to do during our free time. This is also part of the everyday life of any person. A hobby is not a kind of occupation, but it is an activity that all of us are doing also for our…

  • Painting Vs Gardening As My Favorite Hobbies

    Painting Vs Gardening As My Favorite Hobbies In this world, all people have their hobbies or doing something during their past time. We all have the time of frustrations, stress, or pressure that we tend to eliminate by doing our hobbies. A hobby will always be part of our everyday life because it gives us…

  • Controversies Over Video Game Violence

    Controversies Over Video Game Violence There was yet another tribune dedicated to incitement to violence through the content of works of fiction and in particular war video games. Just one more example of the causal discourses that try to circumscribe the horror of a drama whose magnitude challenges it to incomprehension by accusing media hobbies.…

  • Controversies Over Video Game Violence

    Controversies Over Video Game Violence There was yet another tribune dedicated to incitement to violence through the content of works of fiction and in particular war video games. Just one more example of the causal discourses that try to circumscribe the horror of a drama whose magnitude challenges it to incomprehension by accusing media hobbies.…

  • What Does Your Hobby Say About Your Personality?

    What Does Your Hobby Say About Your Personality? What is your hobby? is a general and a very common question that anyone would ask. Even when you are facing an interview the interviewer will ask this question. Even this question will come up in your first date. It is not just merely a question. Your…

  • The Peculiarities Of Photography As A Hobby

    The Peculiarities Of Photography As A Hobby Do you want to broaden your cultural horizon, or experience beautiful landscapes around the world? How about make some extra cash or even transition into a new career? Maybe youre just looking to get more active and unwind after a stressful day at work. Well, Im here to…

  • Essay on Importance of Music

    Essay on Importance of Music When listening to a music concert for children, people see all of the children in the band and choir with their faces glowing like stars and their ears perked to the director. Music enhances the quality of life; consequently, many people don’t understand how important music is in a young…

  • Volleyball Captain Essay

    Volleyball Captain Essay Drive: – I am a very focused, goal-oriented, eager, progressive, and energetic person. I always make continuous efforts to achieve the highest peak of success (Stephen P. Robbins, 2017). I always show interest in taking the initiative to achieve the desired aim or goal. When I was in high school there was…

  • What Does Music Mean to You: Opinion Essay

    What Does Music Mean to You: Opinion Essay Music is my life. That is a fact simply stated. Looking back on my life so far that is the only one that is consistent and significant to me. Everything I did incorporate and revolves around the art of music. Raised in a household where music was…

  • How I Became Literate in Playing the Piano

    How I Became Literate in Playing the Piano As a young child I remember being passionate about playing the piano and music. But of course like every other person one must learn how to play and understand music itself. I have not learned how to read sheet music quite well, and is something that I…