Category: Home

  • High-Quality Nursing Care in the Nursing Home



    High-Quality Nursing Care in the Nursing Home Table of Contents Introduction Literature Search Strategy Critical Appraisal of the Articles Conclusion Reference List Introduction Nursing homes are established to provide care services to older adults and individuals with disabilities who cannot be cared for at home but do not require hospital care. Similar to other healthcare…

  • St. Patricks Nursing Home: the Recruitment of People



    St. Patricks Nursing Home: the Recruitment of People It is important to consider some factors when making plans for the recruitment of people to work at St. Patricks Nursing Home in order achieve the good results. According to Nazarko (2002, p. 112), the process of recruiting employees can be very complex at times. There are…

  • Home-Based Care For Frail and Ageing Patients Study Critique



    Home-Based Care For Frail and Ageing Patients Study Critique Table of Contents Introduction The question addressed by the systematic review Is it unlikely that important relevant studies were missed? The criteria used to select articles for inclusion Studies sufficiency for the investigation Results similarity Results presentation Results validity Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The article reviews…

  • Home Falls Prevention, Visits and Education



    Home Falls Prevention, Visits and Education Table of Contents Introduction Home Falls Prevention Importance Home Visit Programs Physical Training Home Modification Multi-Interventional Protocol Conclusion References Introduction Home falls are one of the most complex health care issues, and researchers have looked into the most efficient ways of reducing home falls. There are many ways of…

  • Personality Psychology: Relation to Nursing Home Residents



    Personality Psychology: Relation to Nursing Home Residents Table of Contents What is personality psychology? Careers and famous professionals Personal Interest The Research Personal Thoughts on the Research Future Ideas for Research References What is personality psychology? For this presentation, I have decided to talk about personality psychology and describe it specifically in relation to nursing…

  • The Patient-Centered Medical Home Usage and Its Benefits



    The Patient-Centered Medical Home Usage and Its Benefits The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is an exciting strategy that could revolutionize the whole sphere of the medical sphere. Traditionally, home care has been used for palliative care of terminal cancer patients and in geriatrics. Recently, PCMH has become increasingly common for both primary care and complex…

  • Humans and Their Global Home at Earth



    Humans and Their Global Home at Earth Table of Contents Introduction Earth Day Conclusion References Introduction Planet Earth has always served humankind as both a parent and a home. For most of its time, human civilization has lived in harmony with natures processes, rules, and laws. Human beings did painful and damaging things to the…

  • The Older Adult Assessment: Home-Based Primary Care



    The Older Adult Assessment: Home-Based Primary Care As a summary of the patients psychosocial interview, emphasis can be placed on the point that he is not a classic case of an elderly care client. John prefers to act independently, has an excellent psychological and physiological condition, and seeks medical help only when necessary. The results…

  • Intensive In-Home Services for Aggression Management



    Intensive In-Home Services for Aggression Management Table of Contents Behavior Intervention Response Plan Reference Behavior U. V. is a patient that received 2 hours of intensive in-home services from a Mental Health Qualified Professional. The clients presenting problem can be described as anger episodes that involve verbal and physical aggression. The behavior includes offending, punching,…

  • Childbirth Mortality in Hospital vs. Home Birth



    Childbirth Mortality in Hospital vs. Home Birth Optimizing maternal and infant health outcomes and the overall delivery experience while minimizing interference is a healthcare matter. The incidence rates and advantages of giving birth in various environments and the danger of medical interventions, have been the subject of intense discussion in recent decades as a result…