Category: Hospital

  • Hospital Surface, Environment and Hospital-Associated Infection

    Hospital Surface, Environment and Hospital-Associated Infection Table of Contents Research statement Hypothesis Objectives Literature review Methodology Significance Reference list Research statement A healthy and safe working environment is very essential in successful running of a hospital and minimization of poor environment associated with infections (1, 2, 4, 7). Ensuring that health workers have proper and…

  • Dukes Hospital Integrated Internal Business Process

    Dukes Hospital Integrated Internal Business Process Introduction The internal Business process is one such technique that its importance cannot be underplayed in any organization. It is through this management technique that various institutions have been able to rise above the Challenges that faces todays organization. This management challenges come in the form of connection between…

  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender in Hospital

    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender in Hospital Table of Contents Introduction Observation of the Problem The Importance of Cultural Competency The Gaps in Healthcare for the LGBT Community The Improvement of Students Knowledge of LGBT Issues Palliative Care for LGBT Individuals Findings and Conclusion References Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the healthcare system should…

  • The Miami Hospitals Issues

    The Miami Hospitals Issues Table of Contents Introduction Main Body Previous Measures Future Measures Blocks References Introduction Miami Hospital is currently facing a financial management issue that deals with failure to meet the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention standards on infections. Even though the majority of healthcare facilities in South Florida reveal good performance,…

  • Fayols Theory in Hospital Organization

    Fayols Theory in Hospital Organization In the modern world, it is impossible to imagine public organizations without competent management. For this, management principles are applied as the most general and universally applicable rules prescribing how leadership should be exercised and the organizational structure in firms and institutions of any type, regardless of their purpose. These…

  • Elderly Fall Prevention in Hospitals

    Elderly Fall Prevention in Hospitals Table of Contents Introduction The Purpose of the Program The Target Audience The Elderly Fall Prevention Program Benefits of the Program Conclusion References Introduction Falls are considerably frequent causes of injuries and hospitalization among older adults. Inappropriately equipped hospital rooms and halls often result in fall injuries of the patients.…

  • Patient Satisfaction on Rural Hospital

    Patient Satisfaction on Rural Hospital Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Purpose and Problem Statement The Review of the Literature Research Framework and Hypothesis Sample Size and Design Discussion of Research Findings Implications and Recommendations Conclusion References Abstract This critique reviews a quantitative study by Kerry Ellis-Jacob on the impact of patient satisfaction on rural hospitals…

  • Healing Hospitals: the Holistic Medicine Principles

    Healing Hospitals: the Holistic Medicine Principles Healing Hospital: A Daring Paradigm Introduction Healing Hospitals are institutions that support the principles of the holistic medicine. This type of medical care is base on the combination of the physical treatment with the belief in the spirituality as an important part of the treatment process. In the modern…

  • Jackson Memorial Hospital Compensation Strategy

    Jackson Memorial Hospital Compensation Strategy Introduction Compensation strategy that a firm uses has a major influence on the output of its employees. According to Spitzer (2013), effective compensation strategy does not necessarily mean giving your employees very high salaries above the market average. It entails identifying individual employees effort and rewarding it in the most…

  • Nurse Understaffing Issues in the Hospitals

    Nurse Understaffing Issues in the Hospitals Nurse understaffing is a complex issue that has a direct influence on patient safety and the consequent adverse events that occur in hospitals. Since there is a correlation between nurse understaffing and poor patient outcomes, there is a need to address the issue as soon as possible. Studies conducted…