Category: Human Migration
Self-Reliance Of Koha Cataloguing Module For Migration From Libsys To Koha
Self-Reliance Of Koha Cataloguing Module For Migration From Libsys To Koha Abstract The present paper is a case study of migration process from proprietary library automation software LibSys and open source library management software Koha.This paper aims to present a customized procedure flowed by the library University of Jaffna (UOJ) during the bibliographic data migration…
The Indus River: from the Past to the Present
The Indus River: from the Past to the Present The Indus river flows and start from the Hindu Kush, Karakoram and Himalayan mountains and a winding curve through the productive lands in the southern plains. Delta river boundary is one of the largest cross boundary rivers in the world with a hydrographic area of about…
Cause and Effect Essay on Illegal Immigration
Cause and Effect Essay on Illegal Immigration Illegal immigration, a paramount issue within the United States today, has been aptly described by the political intelligentsia as a multi-headed hydra, its sphere of influence extending into various socioeconomic sectors, affecting the countrys health care, its education systems, its national security, and both big and small businesses…