Category: Humanity

  • The Effects of War on Humanity

    The Effects of War on Humanity Introduction to the Multifaceted Impact of War on Humanity This paper explores a number of texts that support the idea of what the effects of war on humanity are, for example, an article by the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Those effects include the changing of morals, the displacement of…

  • Crimes Against Humanity In Kenya

    Crimes Against Humanity In Kenya In the international crime spectrum the Crimes Against Humanity is a consolidation of many brutal and morally unjust crimes. This offense was ratified in the Nürnberg Charter and integrated to the Roman Statute of the ICC. The ICC (International Criminal Court) defines this violation of the law as Crimes against…

  • Is AI Safe for Humanity?

    Is AI Safe for Humanity? Notably, since the beginning of digital era commenced in the 1970s with the emergence of programmable computers that can take directives from command control and act upon this directive without any human intervention, people have been anticipating the doom of humanity since this time. Studies have been done to explore…

  • Modernization of Humanity and its Destruction in the Poems Railway Station and Flying Man

    Modernization of Humanity and its Destruction in the Poems Railway Station and Flying Man Railway Station and Flying Man are poems that depict humanitys bond with nature and how modernization destroys it. Railway Station addresses the constant changes in life in relation to time. Tagore expresses how humans are puppets to time, they are trapped…

  • AI: Ascending Innovations Descending Humanity

    AI: Ascending Innovations Descending Humanity Technology is ascending fast more than people could ever grasp. The fall of the human race has been feared. Artificial Intelligence has been discussed and predicted for over decades to be more useful and more knowledgeable than humans. Now, everything has come into reality. The point is, as super AI…

  • The Growth of Humanity in the World

    The Growth of Humanity in the World Around 1700 B.C. the code of Hammurabi was formed. It was made by the a Babylonian king named Hammurabi, he ruled around 1792 to 1750 B.C. It was the most complete legal codes with 282 rules. It was stolen from the king but rediscovered in 1901. Hammurabi’s code…

  • War And Humanity In Apocalypse Now And Mametz Wood

    War And Humanity In Apocalypse Now And Mametz Wood War and humanity produce enduring narratives and themes, an example of a such theme is brutality, which captures both. Brutality refers to barbaric evil and is explored to extent in texts including Apocalypse Now and Mametz Wood. Despite differing textual forms, both Apocalypse Now and Mametz…

  • Never Let Me Go Versus Blade Runner: Concept of Humanity

    Never Let Me Go Versus Blade Runner: Concept of Humanity Kazuo Ishiguros book Never Let me Go and Ridley Scotts Blade Runner Film both explore a dystopian world which features its main characters as clones/replicants of real humans. But what does it mean to be human? Is it to obtain the characteristics of human features;…

  • The Formula of Humanity: Critical Analysis

    The Formula of Humanity: Critical Analysis The necessity of using reason as the determinant for establishing law as implies that reason carries an inherent value in itself and those who possess it. Human beings inherently possess value as they are rational beings and should always be treated with dignity and respect. The humanity present only…

  • The True Religion Of Mankind

    The True Religion Of Mankind I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit. Khalil Gibran India is the home of religion. We find Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christainity, Hinduism, Zoroastrinism etc. in…