Category: Journalism

  • New Journalism in Capotes and Tom Wolfes Works

    New Journalism in Capotes and Tom Wolfes Works New Journalism emerged in the 1960s as a way of writing news using literary devices. This approach was new in that era. According to Boynton (21), New Journalism emphasized truth and gave little importance to facts. When it started, many people thought that this was a new…

  • New Journalism and Its Peculiarities

    New Journalism and Its Peculiarities New Journalism appeared and became very popular in the 1960-1970s. It was seen as something revolutionary as journalists had not employed techniques that came into existence at that period. This approach is characterized by the presence of a significant portion of fiction, an abundance of facts and details, and a…

  • John Heilpern Journalism Techniques

    John Heilpern Journalism Techniques In the frames of the current journalistic trends, the participative approach to writing prevails, allowing authors to express their personal attitude to the events. Willis (2003) noted that What you give up in terms of arms-length objectivity, you more than gain in terms of understanding and empathy (p. 21). The modern…

  • Rolling Stones A Rape Case on Campus

    Rolling Stones A Rape Case on Campus Introduction The truth in the case From a close evaluation of the story, one is in a position to tell that the Rolling Stones version of the story, A Rape Case on Campus, is a story of journalistic failure that could be avoided. The narratives failure involved poor…

  • Logical Fallacy in Brauns Tougher Sanctions Now

    Logical Fallacy in Brauns Tougher Sanctions Now Table of Contents Introduction Explanation of the Flaws Conclusion References Introduction When it comes to arguing in favor of a particular point of view, it is important to keep the would-be deployed line of argumentation free of logical fallacies. The reason for this is apparent  the fewer…

  • The Beginning of the Year 2016 in Germany

    The Beginning of the Year 2016 in Germany The beginning of the year 2016 was darkened by the sad events that took place in German cities that accepted large groups of refugees from the Middle East countries. Only after one to two weeks since the outrageous events took place, the press began to gradually speak…

  • News and Victims: Journalistic Mistreatment

    News and Victims: Journalistic Mistreatment This paper aims to describe journalistic mistreatment of crime victims, their relatives, and witnesses. The assessment is based on the model proposed by Emilio Viano, who argues that journalists may immensely imperil the safety of the victim and his or her mental health (Viano, 1992). We have viewed news reports…

  • History and Background of Essence Magazine

    History and Background of Essence Magazine Essence, a lifestyle magazine specializing in beauty, culture, entertainment, and fashion, is a monthly magazine first published in 1970 for African American women. Essence Communication Inc. (ECI), the media that publishes Essence Magazine, was founded in 1968 by Cecile Hollingsworth, Clarence O. Smith, Edward Lewis, and Jonathan Blount (Jacinta…

  • How to Make Hard Facts Easy to Read by Roy Peter Clark

    How to Make Hard Facts Easy to Read by Roy Peter Clark Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction Mass media and journalism are key bodies as the dissemination of information to the public are concerned. Several bodies, including the government, depend on mass media to convey vital messages to a vast population.…

  • Danger to Be a Journalist

    Danger to Be a Journalist When the internet was first conceived, one of the things it was deemed useful for was as a revolutionary method of easily acquiring information from sources around the world without having to leave the comfort of your home for a trip to the library. Over time, the information is added…