Category: Just War Theory

  • History of War Ethics

    History of War Ethics The discussion of the ethics of war goes back to the Greeks and Romans, although neither civilisation behaved particularly well in war. In the Christian tradition war ethics were developed by St Augustine, and later by St Thomas Aquinas and others. Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), a Dutch philosopher and author of De…

  • Humanitarian Intervention is the Continuation of the Colonial Project

    Humanitarian Intervention is the Continuation of the Colonial Project The ethics and legitimacy of humanitarian intervention is often questioned, with a nations real intentions often being unknown, and this has led to beliefs that it may be used as a façade to disguise neocolonialism occurring. The idea of humanitarian intervention was publicised and reworked by…

  • Reasons Why the Syrian Conflict is Not a Just War

    Reasons Why the Syrian Conflict is Not a Just War Imagine you are a Syrian refugee, going from camp to camp with little to no hope of finding a better life. Having fled your home with the fears of being killed, tortured, or kidnapped. You are forced to leave your home for staying would be…

  • Injustice of Crisis in Yemen

    Injustice of Crisis in Yemen Yemen is facing with problems they have been struggling to resolve for a long period. Their incapability to fix these obstacles is putting them at risk with even greater ones. Due to the years of conflict, they have dealt with they are on the brink of a catastrophe. Yemen is…

  • The Essence of Just War Theory: Critical Analysis

    The Essence of Just War Theory: Critical Analysis According to the US Department of Defence, irregular warfare (IW) is defined as a violent struggle among state and non- state actors for legitimacy and influence over the relevant populations (Irregular Warfare 5). Irregular warfare is waged by irregular fighters such as terrorists or guerrillas and what…

  • Analytical Essay on Just War Theory: Western War Theory Versus Chinese War Theory

    Analytical Essay on Just War Theory: Western War Theory Versus Chinese War Theory How important is a nations national security? What would happen if one of their critical infrastructures failed? These are some of the topics that are discussed by nations around the globe. The one thing both of the above-mentioned examples have in common…

  • Analysis of Idea and Rules of Just War Theory

    Analysis of Idea and Rules of Just War Theory From Ciceros early ideas to Saint Augustines substantial contributions, the just war theory has been used as a means to morally justify the choice to go to war and maintain that the war is fought justly. Although the idea and rules of just war have evolved…

  • Traditional and Revisionist Views on Just War Theory: Analytical Essay

    Traditional and Revisionist Views on Just War Theory: Analytical Essay Feminism is the belief that women are of equal social and human value with men, and that the differences between men and women, whether biologically based or culturally derived, do not and should not constitute grounds for discrimination against women (Reardon 1985, 20). This definition…

  • Just War Theory Versus Pacifism, Amoral Realism, Holy War: Analytical Essay

    Just War Theory Versus Pacifism, Amoral Realism, Holy War: Analytical Essay Just War Theory Jus in Bello The Jus in Bello aspect of the Just War Theory addresses how nations and states that initiate military intervention should act while in war. The Jus in Bello piece of the theory regulates and provides an ethical framework…

  • History of War Ethics

    History of War Ethics The discussion of the ethics of war goes back to the Greeks and Romans, although neither civilisation behaved particularly well in war. In the Christian tradition war ethics were developed by St Augustine, and later by St Thomas Aquinas and others. Hugo Grotius (1583-1645), a Dutch philosopher and author of De…